Workflow Printing Help

Almost there! I just hope it's not all uphill. 
Next item on the list is getting a few trial / test prints, to assure quality, and image prep.
My original thought was to upload small 600 / 700 pixel size images, but since I can only watermark images larger than 800 pixels, I thought I would use 900, or 1000 pixels on the long side.
Then use the delay feature, and replace the ordered images with the full rez image.
When I do this however most of the sizes are grayed out, and not available. Clients would not know they could in fact order these.
Do I need to upload a full rez image to begin with? Per the info I read it doesn't seem to make sense to upload a full rez image at a higher compression rate only to replace it with the same image with a lower compression rate upon order.
How would this work for say events were I only wanted to upload small basically un, or minimally processed proof images, and then only fully process the images that are purchased?
My thought on image prep is to use srgb, soft proof to the ezprint icc profile, save at Photoshop level 10, or 12(which is recommended?), and print using true color.
Also, I thought metallic paper was available?????? :cry :scratch
Many image will really look spectacular with this paper.
Answers, thought, etc.

Next item on the list is getting a few trial / test prints, to assure quality, and image prep.
My original thought was to upload small 600 / 700 pixel size images, but since I can only watermark images larger than 800 pixels, I thought I would use 900, or 1000 pixels on the long side.
Then use the delay feature, and replace the ordered images with the full rez image.
When I do this however most of the sizes are grayed out, and not available. Clients would not know they could in fact order these.
Do I need to upload a full rez image to begin with? Per the info I read it doesn't seem to make sense to upload a full rez image at a higher compression rate only to replace it with the same image with a lower compression rate upon order.
How would this work for say events were I only wanted to upload small basically un, or minimally processed proof images, and then only fully process the images that are purchased?
My thought on image prep is to use srgb, soft proof to the ezprint icc profile, save at Photoshop level 10, or 12(which is recommended?), and print using true color.
Also, I thought metallic paper was available?????? :cry :scratch
Many image will really look spectacular with this paper.
Answers, thought, etc.
Indeed, metallic paper is available. Show me a gallery where you don't have it, I'll help.
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I am really starting to feel like an idiot. Don't spread it around.
But I am seriously looking at the other questions. I am ready to order some test prints.
I have sent this to the help desk as well.
Let's carry on right here, ok?
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Ok I read all the stuff on the link, and seems like most of my questions were answered.
I have prepared 3 images to test print and per your advice on one of the help sections sent an e-mail to the help desk to have them review the files. My thought is to order with 3 different papers, and use the true color setting.
ps: Although it might seem like it, I really don't want to make you work harder.