HAAAAAAAIIIIIRRRRR!! [not the musical]




Any C + C appreciated. I'm lost which one to choose or if I'm barking up the wrong tree [pun intended.] I can reshoot because he's my puppy.
There's a poll but comments help a bunch more!




Any C + C appreciated. I'm lost which one to choose or if I'm barking up the wrong tree [pun intended.] I can reshoot because he's my puppy.

Failed to load the poll.
There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept.~Ansel Adams
I think that a horizontal orientation on #2 as a opposed to a vertical one might make the composition stronger. In the vertical version my eyes keeps heading toward the dog as opposed to the human. When I tilt my laptop to look at it horizontally, the human becomes more of the focal point. You can call me weird if you want...
#4 is a runner up. Without knowing there's a dog in the series of photos, it's hard to tell what kind of surface is on the lower right corner of the photo and it looks a bit strange. The lighting on the hair is really nice in that photo. However, the left eye looks a bit blurry -- I suspect the blur may be due to motion from the dog's breathing?
It is never to late to become what you might have been.
What i like too in #2 is how the -human- hair seems to tend to the dog.
Any ideas how I can get more texture from him? He's a short hair pointer. I did have another photo that my husband suggested is the strongest. I might have to do a new post.
I'll give it another try and see if he can handle laying down. he wasn't feeling well in these pics so he was a little more eager to nap and sit still for the pics. I leave work early tomorrow so I'll have more sun to work with --- I hope. I was really surprised when he started laying his head on my face, it was a really sweet gesture.
Thanks everyone!