Suggestions for Cozumel?

I'm off to Cozumel (and some other island: Norwegian's private something) in a couple weeks :barband am looking for any suggestions people may have.
I won't have a huge amount of time of the island (probably less than 8 hours, maybe less than 6, I dunno), and I'd really like to go snorkeling on the cheap. Other than that, I really doubt we'll get a car or anything, and at this point I'm leaning away from spending $$ on excursions, so suggestions on good places to get in the water are well appreciated.
(I've heard from a coworker that we should take a taxi to the national park, but I'm not sure which one and I don't think she is either. :dunno So.... Any thoughts?)
I won't have a huge amount of time of the island (probably less than 8 hours, maybe less than 6, I dunno), and I'd really like to go snorkeling on the cheap. Other than that, I really doubt we'll get a car or anything, and at this point I'm leaning away from spending $$ on excursions, so suggestions on good places to get in the water are well appreciated.
(I've heard from a coworker that we should take a taxi to the national park, but I'm not sure which one and I don't think she is either. :dunno So.... Any thoughts?)
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You get your own jeep to drive (good for me as I easily get carsick!) and you get to see a lot of the island while you're driving out to the beach:
You're in a large group (lots of jeeps), but still feeling like you're going at your own pace:
You stop at some (small) Mayan Ruins:
You stop at a swamp to learn about (and see) local wildlife:
You stop at a picnic area for a snack (and to climb the lighthouse):
You stop at a private beach for a long time (several hours) for relaxation:
...for snorkeling:
...and just to take in the views:
I think it was about $60/person? That was just about our whole off-ship entertainment budget for the trip (poor newlyweds) but we were thrilled with what we got for our money. It also left a couple of hours for walking around some of the back streets and taking pictures of city life as well as finding some of the less-touristy (almost hidden) local restaurants (incredible margaritas!):
Enjoy your trip - we sure did!
Have a great trip.
I just got back from Cozumel and I'll second the idea for the jeep ride! I was there for several days and we had the most fun when we rented the jeep. Looking at Pupator's pictures & story it looks like we could have had even more fun on that excursion. I really enjoyed the "other side" of the island. It is much more rural and "real".
We did go to the nature park, Chankanaab, and if you want to do water stuff this might be a good choice. You can swim with the dolphins there (need to schedule ahead of time) and there looked to be a nice snorkleing beach. They also had a nice cafe with a great beach to just relax and soak up the sun. I think you can get a package that includes the snorkle gear. The taxi ride should be less then $18 dollars one way. (I was futher away from town & my ride to town was $18)
I was on a "girls only" weekend trip and was cautioned by my husband to only use the official taxis, Grey Line, not the "other guys" trying to make a buck/peso for safty reasons. And I was hassled by the "other guys" when I got to the island. After I said no to their offers, they started talking about "bandittos". Not something a single gal traveling at 9pm at the end of a long travel day wants to deal with.
If your cruise offers a snorkle/dive package on a boat that you decide to use, be sure to purchase the wetsuit option. The water isn't that warm right now. All of the snorklers on my trip used the wetsuit and were glad of it.
Odd - wife and I didn't wear wetsuits and the water was fine. I wonder if it has to do with what part/side of the island you're on?
Since we'll be leaving sunny Michigan for it, I bet we'll be OK.
Plus, last year in Jamaica and Grand Caymans it was just fine (water temp should be pretty similar, I'd think).
When I googled it, the average temp this time of year was supposed to be a little less than 80 (78ish?). The site suggested a full suit and 3mm thickness for a weeks worth of snorkeling or diving, I think. (and mentioned one day would prob be OK, but by the end of a week, you'd want more. Since we'll only be there for part of one day...)
Any thoughts?
Thanks for all the commentary, though! We're really starting to look forward to it!
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I noticed that it really depends on the person; I've know some men who are like that (always cold) and some women who are just the opposite. At the same time, I'm both, depending on the situation (just waking up: cold; mixed during the day; sleeping: friggin hot).
Ah well, so it goes!
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While we were there it had been stormy and cold. On the first day, we were on the beach, relaxing and reading, but with arms and legs covered. The next day warmed up a bit and we decided to go snorkling. Here's a shot of my friend getting in the shallow water to wasn't a bathtub
I've snorkled in Belize (a bit further south and in 6-10 feet of water) and the water was great. But in Cozumel, the water was "refreshing" when we were there. Since we were going to be 25 feet deep on 2 one hour snorkles and we couldn't "warm up" on the boat between them (it was too cold to soak up any warmth), I opted for the wetsuit. And was glad I did. On the second snorkle, only the 2 middled-aged ladies in the wetsuits did the second snorkle. More telling, the local staffer that went in the water with us was wearing a wetsuit.
So it may depend on a number of factors, how warm outside, how deep and how long. Find out if your guide will be wearing one.