Just received the message that this - rather old, actually - image of mine
got "showcased" (i.e. featured) on OneModelPlace (one of the top modeling websites) :ivar
Funny, it was like my 1st ever "real" model shoot :rofl
got "showcased" (i.e. featured) on OneModelPlace (one of the top modeling websites) :ivar
Funny, it was like my 1st ever "real" model shoot :rofl
"May the f/stop be with you!"
Congratulations! I like it very much. Nice angle and movement on your model. Though I must admit, at first look I thought she was pregnant...
lol, no, it's just a wind:-)
Steps are easy! First you gotta get your camera out...
I didn't sumbit anything, they simply check everybody's portfolio. The thing is, I only have an el cheapo almost-free account there (wasn't sure it it's worth to pay $60 per year, and still not sure), hence my allowance is only 5 pics :cry
Nevertheless, I got notified that one of images is featured. Now,I guess I need to replace the other 4 with something else since they apparently didn't draw enough attention :-)
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Educate yourself like you'll live forever and live like you'll die tomorrow.
There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept.~Ansel Adams
I am so sorry to here this :cry now you'll have to quit while your ahead.
Just kidding, keep up the good work!
Models come and go, but the experience grows and stays:-)
Thanks, Sam!
Nikon D70s IR
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Thanks, Cat!