Is this a good tripod combo?
I found an ad locally for someone selling a bogen 3221WN and 029 head. I can find out about the legs, but all I really find about the head is that it's older and discontinued. I'm looking for a stable, but lighter combo, that I can attach to a pack and trek for landscapes but that's also going to be good for macros of flowers (I shoot everything from waterfalls to butterflies and Christmas lights to fireworks-if it looks interesting, it's likely to end up on the other side of my lens). I've about lost my mind in the mire of combos out there (thank goodness the combo I picked up for my husband for Christmas worked out perfect, albeit too heavy for my taste)! I know I want a head that can pan as well as go from landscape to portrait and that doesn't add a ton of weight, and I'd like a quick disconnect. While we don't generally hike miles and miles, we do climb hills and walk decent distances, so I really don't want something that weighs like 15lb (I hate to admit, but I'm not in optimal shape-I guess a massively heavy pack would help that though, lol). Anyone know anything about the 029 head? :dunno Is it heavy? Pros/cons? The legs are about good, although I'd like a higher height without using the column, but I'll give up some height for less weight.
Well, looks like that one was sold anyhow. Now I'm looking at a 3001/3030 combo. I hear the legs aren't that tall and can be a bit unstable when the column is fully extended, but they generally get good reviews. I personally like the fact that it's lighter than the wilderness legs, but still black (so they don't scare the birdies, lol). We'll see where this leads-got to go get tires on the ride and a few other things so hopefully these aren't sold by the time I can get to look at them, lol.
Well, looks like that one was sold anyhow. Now I'm looking at a 3001/3030 combo. I hear the legs aren't that tall and can be a bit unstable when the column is fully extended, but they generally get good reviews. I personally like the fact that it's lighter than the wilderness legs, but still black (so they don't scare the birdies, lol). We'll see where this leads-got to go get tires on the ride and a few other things so hopefully these aren't sold by the time I can get to look at them, lol.
My galleries:
a Bogen 3205 (aluminum legs) that served me well for years until I
purchased a Gitzo 2530 last year.
I really like my Gitzo, it sets up and takes down quickly, the leg locks are
clean so nothing gets caught on them unlike my Bogen which had
wing nut like locks. My shutter release cable would always catch
on the leg locks.
I use a Kirk B1 ballhead which is outstanding. The quick release system
is Arca Swiss compatible, but you need to buy the camera plate. The
quick release plate is made specifically for the camera so it's a cleaner
design when attached to the camera compared to the Bogen camera
Other really nice ballheads are made by Acratech, Really Right Stuff,
Arca Swiss etc.
There's another thread about the Acratech head. Looks really nice
and light.
I prefer the ballhead over the pan/tilt head because it's cleaner, no
knobs to poke you, and one knob will allow you to adjust your camera.
This is what I've found that works for me, though it is an expensive
system, it will last a long time and ease of use may be the difference
between using your tripod or leaving it at home.
Fremont, CA
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