I'm new. Here's a few.
I've been traipsing around the U.P. with a Canon camera that I am frankly a bit intimidated by. Here are a few images from the past spring / summer / winter.
Great forum, glad I found it.
Here's a Big Beech Tree from late spring.
Joe the cat chasing a grey squirrel WAY up a tree.
And a pileated woodpecker I stalked for a good while.
It's winter here now, and I'm hoping to keep sharing pics.
Great forum, glad I found it.
Here's a Big Beech Tree from late spring.
Joe the cat chasing a grey squirrel WAY up a tree.
And a pileated woodpecker I stalked for a good while.
It's winter here now, and I'm hoping to keep sharing pics.
9zero6 | Upper Peninsula Overland
Harry (our Mod) is just gonna love that Cat
Not a bad catch of the Woody In Flight
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