Best Metallic examples?

For this year, I'll have some portfolio books available at events for folks to flip through. I wanted a few of these to be the metallic prints but I've been wondering -- what looks BEST in metallic? high contrast, soft images, etc etc? or does just anything rock it out?

Order some and see, Leah
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- Mike
IR Modified Sony F717
Well, I'm looking at $20 LARGE prints to catch attention on the event table, so unless you've a special rate, I'm only doing one or two this time around
noted thank you!!
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you are entirely TOO logical.
Sorry if this seems like a dumb question, but how would I accomplish getting a 100% crop?
Not allowed to enter Henry's alone anymore...
Kyle Derkachenko Photography
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
Thanks! I really appreciate that!
Not allowed to enter Henry's alone anymore...
Kyle Derkachenko Photography
Here is my experience with metallics - I love the look, but you need to be careful on the images to be printed. Now my only experience has been with Adorama metallics, have not ordered any from SM since they started offering them so take what I say with a grain of salt.
I ordered a 20x30 B&W print of my daughter last year, facial feathures that were close to being blown out had a greenish tint to it - print was crap. I also ordered a color metallic of my other daughter and it printed fine. I figured I did something wrong and did not persue it with Adorama.
I just received my 2nd time order of metallic prints last week from Adorama and the exact same thing happened - B&W's where the whites were almost blown out had a green tint to it. Here are the B&W's I ordered so you can see the areas I am talking about - cheeks, bridge of the nose and in the last image - top right corner of the hood.
The color images were 99% ok. So this time around I figured it was not my fault and something was amiss. Asking around a bit I was advised that portraits are not good images for metallic paper for that exact reason. I then contacted Adorama to ask about it and they told me that printing with metallic paper in B&W I need to convert to greyscale on the conversions. Something to do with they still print B&W with color ink??? My B&W conversions are done with a bit of color added back in (Dave Black processs) so I have learned my lesson.
Adoramma credited me for the printing problem, but even when I reordered, one of the images still had a slight problem with the highlights. I ordered this image in color as a reprint and still there were a few very small patches of a flourscent glow on her right cheek (our left looking at the image) and also on the bridge of her nose.
In the end I will not order any B&W portraits in metallic paper as well in color I will need to make sure highlights anr not close to being blown out.
I would love to order a large B&W metallic from SM, but that would be another expensive "test".
see notes above about doing 100% crop prints. a 4x6 metallic of a few prints - especially areas you suspect might get blown out - would be a good test indeed.
Large Prints are my favorite!!!! I can't order the big enough
I have been adding prints of my kids to our basement to fill the walls. I started with 11x14's and then moved up to 16x20's (which make the 11x14's look small). Now some 20x30's. The 8x10 we have on the walls now look like 4x6's.
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I'm definately going to have to order some 4x6 test prints in metalic now and check them out.
Doug and Cathy