
If this is the wrong forum, please move it.
I just checked the stats area, and I see something like 700 visits. Account just fays old. I have been working on it, and have gone in, out, about quite a bit not that much. Does the stats count me (owner) as well as outside visitors?
I just checked the stats area, and I see something like 700 visits. Account just fays old. I have been working on it, and have gone in, out, about quite a bit not that much. Does the stats count me (owner) as well as outside visitors?
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No I haven't posted / linked any images to the site, I am still in the getting it ready for the public mode.
Just hard to figure how anyone would stumble in.
Have you installed statcounter or the one from google yet?
I have a similar question/problem. I have a gallery of antique images from my collection. It has about 26,000 images in it. So far this month the Stats page says there have been 955,815 images viewed and over 2,464,795 "hits".
The vast majority of hits are on tiny and thumbs.
I wonder what this means. I can't imagine that many people are coming to the site and spending hours looking at the images.
Questions: what is a hit?, is there any way of identifying unique visitors?, and does anyone know if the stats excluded the massive traffic from the search engine bots? Or, should I go Pro and install my own counter?
I only have what is provided by SmugMug. I guess I need to find out about "statscounter, and the one from google.
I am so excited.............more web stuff to learn: :bash
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