ImageCount in smugmug.albums.get incorrect...

I encountered an error where the ImageCount returned for an album in smugmug.albums.get (heavy=1) returned 0 when there were over 100 images in that gallery. When I visited it on the web site, it had problems displaying the gallery for a minute, then it worked and the ImageCount was also updated in the API call. Is this a known bug and is the only workaround to have the user visit their gallery?
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SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Obviously, minus the session and the api key.
I uploaded three images into it. The album's called 'test'. The imagecount will go to three when someone views that gallery. It's easy to reproduce, just upload a couple of images into a new album, then call the API to view the imagecount.
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Also, while it is easy to reproduce with new albums, it can also happen to an existing album. I presume this is if it goes a long time without any views and SmugMug removes it from some active database...
I think that sample I gave has made its way into the main database, so you may need to reproduce it manually David - though it's pretty quick & easy to do.
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This has been fixed internally for API versions 1.2.0, 1.2.1 & 1.2.2. And should go out with our next release.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.