Speedy spider
Well I've finally been put off a certain forum after the last few days. Never mind
Sitting on a Pansy was a Wolf spider. Love those long lashes and the eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes and more eyes. :wink
All the best folks.

FZ10 and added lenses

Sitting on a Pansy was a Wolf spider. Love those long lashes and the eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes and more eyes. :wink
All the best folks.

FZ10 and added lenses
This & BFJR's (sp) shots (man im sorry but i cant remember his real nickname on the board) show that these panasonics are great cameras.
These are sharp & well exposed. Are they shot in RAW ?
I can see a nice macro lens on the horizon (andy you ...you...well you know the 0zzie saying you so quickly picked up from my elequant delivery of the english language over in Yosemite)
Fairly fussy on optics and the FZ10 has proved how sharp it is to me anyway. I've used my brothers FZ20 and thats a great camera IMO.
All the best and thanks from over the ditch.
Hey another name I recognize! Hia Mr. Macro! I like your spidey shots (love that first one!) and welcome!!!
Ahhhhhhh beautiful work as per usual from you my friend, and a nice looking Spider he is too
Thanks for sharing Danny.......... Skippy (Australia)
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
All the best Skippy and AJ.