Smugmug support for Android phones (T-Mobile G1)

Hi everyone,
I'm starting a small project to support uploading pictures taken with your Android phone (currently only T-Mobile's G1) into one of your galleries on Smugmug. It'll be called SmugDroid.
It is still in its very early stages, but it shouldn't take too long.
I'm using an Android Port of KallaSoft's Smugmug API (see and as the basis for this application. Currently, I'm in the process of porting this framework for Android.
If you're interested in this application, let me know what type of functionality you would like. Note that this will run on a phone, with relatively limited resources. The screen is 455x320 pixels. Memory that can be used is at most a few 10s of megabytes and that's pushing it.
This is what I'm planning to support:
I'm also thinking about providing an extra menu item to the native 'Pictures' application called 'To Smugmug Now'. It will not open the SmugDroid screen, but send the selected pictures immediately to Smugmug (if all the SmugDroid settings are setup and correct). I'm not sure if this can be done easily (i'm fairly new at the Android-OS).
Let me know what you think and what functionality you would like to have or change.
** Footnote: The seamless integration with the 'Pictures' application may not be possible It seems that Google decided to not add this 'extensibility' to a lot of the core-apps that come with the phone. We'll see :-)
I'm starting a small project to support uploading pictures taken with your Android phone (currently only T-Mobile's G1) into one of your galleries on Smugmug. It'll be called SmugDroid.
It is still in its very early stages, but it shouldn't take too long.
I'm using an Android Port of KallaSoft's Smugmug API (see and as the basis for this application. Currently, I'm in the process of porting this framework for Android.
If you're interested in this application, let me know what type of functionality you would like. Note that this will run on a phone, with relatively limited resources. The screen is 455x320 pixels. Memory that can be used is at most a few 10s of megabytes and that's pushing it.
This is what I'm planning to support:
- Seamless integration with Android's native 'Picture' application.**
A new menu item in this application will appear taking the user to SmugDroid. - Simple interface. No fancy functionality. When in SmugDroid:
- You can specify your login-credentials of your smugmug-site.
- You can select a gallery to send the picture(s) to.
- You can create a new gallery - based upon an 'albumtemplate' to which you can send you pics. You won't be able to customize this new gallery. You have to do this on-line on your computer. But if you pre-create the right 'albumtemplates' beforehand, this won't be necessary.
- I'm thinking about supporting captions and keywords. Maybe at least a user-configurable keyword that is attached to each picture you upload through your phone.
- You take a picture with your phone, using the 'Camera' application.
- In the 'Camera' application you can go to 'Pictures'
- (You can go to 'Pictures' directly also, of course).
- Select one picture.
- Open the menu and select 'To Smugmug'.
- The SmugDroid activity (that's how these applications are called in Android-speak) opens.
- Fields are on this screen: a 'Send Now' button, a selection field allowing you to select an album/gallery, a 'Settings' button allowing you to modify the settings.
- On the 'Settings' screen you can provide/change your login credentials, set your default album to which to send your pics, create a new album/gallery (using an optional 'albumtemplate').
- I may add a 'Always attach this keyword' field in the Settings. This keyword will be sent with every message you send to Smugmug.
- Setting options: Sending the picture over a secured line (https) or a non-secured line (http).
I'm also thinking about providing an extra menu item to the native 'Pictures' application called 'To Smugmug Now'. It will not open the SmugDroid screen, but send the selected pictures immediately to Smugmug (if all the SmugDroid settings are setup and correct). I'm not sure if this can be done easily (i'm fairly new at the Android-OS).
Let me know what you think and what functionality you would like to have or change.
** Footnote: The seamless integration with the 'Pictures' application may not be possible It seems that Google decided to not add this 'extensibility' to a lot of the core-apps that come with the phone. We'll see :-)
I can't grasp the notion of time.
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
I saw the iphone smugmug app and was hoping someone would do this for the Android. I won't get my phone for a few months, but I'm hoping you'll continue working on this knowing that at least 1 person woud use it!
Canon Digital Rebel XTi :lust
- Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8 L USM lens :lust
- Kit lens...:cry
Indeed, the seamless integration with the 'Pictures' is not possible. :cry
However, the other way around is possible
I'm still very busy with this application. I hope it'll be done sooner than later
PS: In the mean-time, (start of shameful self-promotion
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
I just picked up the Droid and would love to see some smugmug love on the phone - what is the status of this app or does anyone know other options for snapping and uploading pics to smugmug from an Android based phone?
I found a cheap (not free, but free trial) app called "PicPush" that will upload automatically to Smugmug as well as several other sites. Facebook, Picasa, Flickr... etc.
The developer is very responsive to bugs, I Smugmug changed the API once and my pics stopped uploading, when I told him about it he had a new version uploaded in a couple of days and communicated that he had been unaware and was working on a fix once I told him.
Canon Digital Rebel XTi :lust
- Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8 L USM lens :lust
- Kit lens...:cry