help 4 the needy
ok - wondering if there was anyone to help me make my site- i have tried countless times yet to no dice- Where to start? well anywhere, the basics are not even working for me-
I have asked a web builder but funds are tight even though there prices are good- so If your willing to help me step by step shoot me a message-sorry for being so "html/css" dumb but wow this stuff is confusing- thanks all -James
:toughp.s if willing to help u must have alot of patience and willing to answer alot of dumb questions- thnx!
I have asked a web builder but funds are tight even though there prices are good- so If your willing to help me step by step shoot me a message-sorry for being so "html/css" dumb but wow this stuff is confusing- thanks all -James
:toughp.s if willing to help u must have alot of patience and willing to answer alot of dumb questions- thnx!
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Don't feel dumb. I am having a lot of problems also and I am pretty sure we're not the only ones. I realize that most of it is my fault due to lack of knowlege in web basics, but i am about to give up and cancel my subscription. While the set up may seem simple to the people who are at the other end of our help request it still GREEK to me. My web site host was even less help. I sent them a request for help with a CNAME and the danced all around the issue and told me they could not do what I requested. I am going to make one more attempt on Monday and if that does'nt work I will just cancel. Perhaps this just isn't meant for everyone. You have my sympathy but I could not help you if I tried.
I hope things work out for you! As for me, i am gonna keep on trucken and hope that I can grasp this- thanks for your nice words though-
i guess just try to get the header but in very simple terms i'm all ears -
Many of us Smuggers are traveling today, Doc included, so it may be Saturday when he returns your email - but he WILL get you fixed up easy peasy, promise!
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I can see your site and everything in it so far. So far, I see that you have a navbar with a couple links hooked up and some other links not yet hooked up. I see that you put in some header text and it's showing OK, but it's probably formatted smaller than you want. What would you like to work on first?
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Thnx Jfriend-the navbar please and hooking them all up - i dont quite understand how to link up the others i dont understand how to complete it- im headed off to work right now but i will get the rest of the info 2 u hopefully tnght when i come home-10ish- how do i make the nav bar bigger? thanks jfriend
#navcontainer ul {
margin: 15px 0 0 0;
padding: 0;
list-style-type: none;
text-align: center;
font-size: 160%;
To hook up a navbar item, you need to edit the href value in each navbar entry. For example for this entry, you would edit the text between the quotes after the href=:
<li><a href="/gallery/7167603_YYYYY">Guestbook</a></li>
To find out what to put there, go in your browser to the destination you want the link to go to. In this case, we'll go to the Guestbook gallery you have. Then, look in the URL bar of the browser. In this case, you will see this:
What you want to do it to copy the part in red to be in the href. It goes from just after the domain name (but must include the first / to just before the # sign (or the end if there is no # sign). So, that would be this part:
which means the final navbar entry should look like this:
<li><a href="/gallery/7167603_NdafC">Guestbook</a></li>
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I am sorry if I gave the wrong impression. The help desk is very responsive. I was writing out of frustration and about to give up. I think i've made some progress this morning and i'm glad. This site is truely what i've been looking for and i would like to stay. I received an email from Eric which corrected a simple typing error on my part in my domain name. So, stick with them and I beleive they will get you through. My faith has been renewed. Thanks.
no worries! jfriend has been helping me out- hope u get what your looking 4!-good luck!
Wow thanks- ok (i think i got some of it done! i also changed some colors!, I think i might be very slowly kinda getting it)-BUT- have been looking around and I really liked this site: I like the look and feel to it everything about it the way the site is set up,the dark background aka (all of it) could you help me achieve this look?- I apologize for not giving u this info earlier, but i am really trying, and found what I am looking 4!-<img src="" border="0" alt="" >
I like the slideshow but mabe with only 5-10 photos- I have looked up how to do a slide show and tried several times, but it never showed up<img src="" border="0" alt="" >- Also how do I write in my guestbook and link my e-mail there? Like she did in charitywords? also (might as well get all my questions out now) I like the way she did her gallerys and how do I get the locks so only certain guests can very there pics?-hope i am not getting ahead of myself--Thank you, sorry about not getting back to you earlyer -thnx -John ...................james- ...................p.s i like your geysers pictures!
Have you tried out some of the themes that are based on a black background. Usually it's best to find a theme that is as close to what you want as possible to you have a good starting point for your customization. you can set a theme on an individual page or you can set it for your whole site in the control panel (site-wide-customization).
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got the home page dark- James what elese should i do? maybe slideshow?
got slideshow! have probs with gallery page-
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I'm happy to know I'm not the only one struggling with the more advanced html (I believe) yet at the same time, this thread has been the most amazing & after a month, I'm finally getting some where tonight.
If I may chime in with a question : How can I change the fonts in my navbar along with adding space in between the wording? My links are not active but I'm not stressing that part just yet. I created the navbar thanks to this thread and for that I'm grateful.
Here is my site ...
Thank you,
here try this: go to the bottom of the page-
#navcontainer {font-family: Comic Sans MS, Tahoma, Trebuchet MS, Verdana;}
You fill in the fonts you want, in priority order. The browser picks the first one that it finds on the local system.
Spacing can be increased by changing the second padding number (the one in red). You probably also want to change the background line so it doesn't clash with your other background:
#navcontainer ul li a {
text-decoration: none;
padding: 0em .5em;
color: #999999;
background: none;
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dont understand not working? i would like to have all my galleries on one page for my viewers to see-like: but i think i have too much going on in my custom header to know what to do-
Is this page not all your galleries like you asked for?
What more do you want? If you want me to help, you will need to be specific. What is missing from that page that you expect to be there?
To fix your attempt at a link in your navbar, change this:
<li><a href="/"</a></li>
to this:
<li><a href="/galleries">Galleries</a></li>
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JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
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ok well to start
* the galleries link ,links me to the slide show-
*i have a guest book im not sure how to write in or how people write in
* i have a about me link that i can't write in
*i have a blind infomation link-how do i get rid of it? should i?
And on my home page i have a "perspective photos home" i would like to get rid of-thx
This HTML and CSS stuff are programming languages. They are 100% picky about proper syntax (computers can be dumb that way sometimes) so you need to be really careful when making changes. It's not rocket science, it's just when making changes according to someone's directions, you have to be very diligent.
Your navbar link is not working because you changed it incorrectly. Please read my previous posting about what the galleries link is supposed to be and edit that entire line in your custom header to match what I wrote. Then your galleries link should work.
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