WTT: D-200/Sigma10-20 for Nikor 17-35 2.8
I know that chances are if you have the 17-35 2.8 FX you won't have any use for the D-200 or the Sigma 10-20 DX, but Since i've gone back to FX its time to get rid of stuff i don't need.
If you don't have the 17-35 thats ok too. if you just want the d-200 or the Sigma 10-20 thats cool too
400 for the Sigma 10-20 Sold
600 for the D-200
Prices seem to be what the going rate is here.
If you don't have the 17-35 thats ok too. if you just want the d-200 or the Sigma 10-20 thats cool too
400 for the Sigma 10-20 Sold
600 for the D-200
Prices seem to be what the going rate is here.