Wrong time of year

Hey Dgrinners! I've got a wee bit of a funky question and if there are no answers to be had then I understand completely. I was approached by a real estate developer to take pictures of a building in Chicago that is in the process of being rehabbed. The problem is that it is January in one of the most ridiculously snowy winters that we've ever had, and they want the pictures to look like spring. Green grass, flowers and cleared sidewalks at the very least with the possibility of leafy trees. I guess that that isn't the real problem. The real problem is that I am a PS n00b and have no idea where to even begin to make this look even a wee bit realistic. Any hints/tips/tricks/advice will be very helpful even if it is simply "You're out of your league, get over it."
Thanks in advance!
Thanks in advance!
Optimistic aren't they!!
Unless you happen to have and image from last spring of this building, shot from the same vantage point and time of day that they want the image from now, I think they are dreaming. I could be wrong, of course.
I am sure that an image like they desire is capable of being created, but probably not even close to the price point they have in mind for a high quality image suitable for reproduction. Bert Monroy could do it, but I'll bet not at the price they have in mind.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Oh well. I did find a couple of tutorials that are teaching me something at least. Even if this project is a total bust I'm picking up some valuable information and practice for my efforts.
Stone Creek Photography
Equine and Historical Landscape Photographer.
New Mexico.
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