Presenting "The Catalog" to Prospects/Clients
I would like to be able to offer my prospects/clients a link to a Catalog with Print, Merchandise and Books & More Tab page that shows these well illustrated products on the SmugMug site but without the pricing. Simply want to help people consider the possible products they can order, but then they can see pricing of items that I've set for their gallery.
Here for reference is the page, with pricing..........
Being able to link a client to these pages, without price information, would be a real asset to my marketing/merchandising. Have others come up against this problem? Any solutions? :scratch
Here for reference is the page, with pricing..........
Being able to link a client to these pages, without price information, would be a real asset to my marketing/merchandising. Have others come up against this problem? Any solutions? :scratch
Comments ?
I can e-mail you a file with the code, but you will need to change some of the links back to SM links... I switched them to link to pages on my site...
Code is too long to post or PM...
You've done a great job on it, it's just what I'm looking for. However, it would seem to me that the changes are beyond my technical skill. I'm asking SmugMug to get this set up as it will help us sell more products which is in their and our mission.
Thanks for showing that it is possible.
All you will have to do is set the gallery style to Smugmug and copy the code into the description section of your gallery...
How's that sound?
Anthony, your catalog page is great! I'd like to take a whack at something like this, I'll PM you my email address and if you would email me the code I'd be very grateful!
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NOTE: Link Currently broken... Asking for SM Hero Help...
Link does not work.:cry
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I've just implimented that code on my Infomation page and it is so much better than the text I had. This is just what I needed. Thank you very much for sharing this code.
This allows me to remove several link I had on my tool bar and replace it with just the one. Now to figure out how to reformat my tool bar!
Smugmug site
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That would be really helpful.
Thanks Corey
for you" and there/ their is no grammar check yet so please forgive me Jesus did.
My Web site:
My blog:
Corey, all the code for this type of page is available by viewing the page source code. I did not create any of it. I borrowed and tweaked to make it work on my site...
I see why now!!!
Smugmug site
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Great, I hope I see it so I can update my page. Thanks!
Smugmug site
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See this thread for links to updated help page code for use on your site:
Thanks, I had found that thread and subscribed to it!
Smugmug site
Blog Portfolio
Thanks again for this. I've been trying to replicate this with the new Bay Lab info page but I'm not having much success. I've found the code via ff web developer, but when I put it into my "info" gallery it doesnt display correctly.
Any hints or tips? Do you have any idea why or how this can be done?
Any thoughts?
Leander, Texas
I'm wondering if it's possible to take out a tab or two (from the code) on the EZ prints the Books tab and Downloads tab don't show up? Or is it all or nothing?
If possible, can you point me in the general code direction---I can do the rest.
Thanks in advance,
Yes you can remove tabs, you'll need to remove code from the CSS, the html and the JS that corresponds to the tabs you wish to remove.
Thanks...will do that!