Question about photographing coyotes?
I've been thinking about trying my luck with a rabbit in distress call and seeing if I could call in some coyotes to take photos of. Do I have to worry about my personal safety when using a call? Will a whole pack show up and try to eat me?
Will you call em and smell like a Juicy Steak !! :food
Honestly I used calls rarely back in my huntin days but never for coyotes
Never have used calls or bait for photography ever, just never
felt it was necessary
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No, you won't have to needlessly worry. Of the hundreds of coyotes I have seen there has only been 2 that weren't single. Those were both mama's with young. Truth be told, they are VERY wary and are much more afraid of you than you of them. I don't go after them, but the folks I have talked to say not to waste your dollars on those moving, twittering rabbit "flags" that move about. Just get a good recording of a rabbit in distress and some kind of scent lure (don't know what works best) and that should suffice.
He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman.
He who works with his hands and his head and his heartis an artist.”
I'm thinking about going the old fashioned way and just getting a wooden call that requires good old lung power. I'll have to practice the technique some. Some of the coyote caller/hunters suggested that the electronic type calls had some downside too them... Like being heavy to lug around and having battery power run out. I guess it's not uncommon to attract foxes, bobcats, hawks, owls, and other predators with them. I don't know but it sounds cool. I'd also like to try one of the owl calls they make.
I just ordered the Canon 400mm 5.6 lens. Next I'll have to get a little camo and I was thinking about a cover up scent. I've got a flock of Turkeys that I've been feeding in the woods along the golf course I work at. Maybe where there are turkeys, there are predators. We'll see. I can't wait for this weekend. I hope it's not too cold.
I also have seen plenty in the Golden Gate Park. The only difference is that I am the one shooed away by the park rangers for getting too close
They are certainly more tame than others I have seen here in Ca.