
Hi, I've always wanted a printer, but the prices can be overwhelming for top quality. For example, I was looking at the Epson 3800 recommended by a friend, and saw the price of $1200, plus 8 ink cartridges at $59 each, then paper, etc. I've ordered a few Lustre prints from Smug Mug and they seem to be good quality. Has anyone compared the quality of Smug's prints with a high quality printer such as the 3800?
I took a fast look at your web site, and you have some very nice images.
I have a couple of comments. First if you have following the SmugMug support threads there will be a new high end pro lab option available, with pro quality, and products. This may be the route for you.
Second if you want to print yourself, and your willing to spend some time, (more than you would think), you will have the ultimate control over image appearance., and access to all kinds of fine art papers.
But be for warned printing is not an exact science, it's a mixture of art, and science. A discipline unto it's self.
The cost of the printer is irreverent. It's the consumables, and time that are the real items to be aware of.
That said I am very happy with my decision to purchase an ipf5000, small, 17" wide, large format printer.
Crescent City Prints
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