Some help on PS3
Hi smumugers :lust
I tried to add frames to my pictures using PS3. Then I uploaded a few of them to my facebook account. I noticed that the red line I used to underline the relevant text looks discolored, not so vivid as it looked in PS3.
Then i tried to make the picture via PS again i select from, Image - Mode - 36 bits channel. Also I chose web color to fill the red line. Then i had the option to save in Tiff, i saved it but i couldn't uploaded (only jpg is permitted) saved it again in jpg and maybe i did a few more settings in save as mode and voila!!!
The problem is that i dont remember what i did
Could you please help me? :scratch
I tried to add frames to my pictures using PS3. Then I uploaded a few of them to my facebook account. I noticed that the red line I used to underline the relevant text looks discolored, not so vivid as it looked in PS3.
Then i tried to make the picture via PS again i select from, Image - Mode - 36 bits channel. Also I chose web color to fill the red line. Then i had the option to save in Tiff, i saved it but i couldn't uploaded (only jpg is permitted) saved it again in jpg and maybe i did a few more settings in save as mode and voila!!!
The problem is that i dont remember what i did

Could you please help me? :scratch
Edit->Color Settings will tell you.
workspace: sRGBISC61966-2.1
color management policy: Preserve Embedded Profiles
Load it into PS. Then do Edit->Convert to Profile and see what the Source Space
is (then hit Cancel).
I'm guessing that this is a color space mismatch.
Is sRGB IEC61966-2.1. This one is IE and in the workspace is sRGBISC61966-2.1