Rust in Peace

I submitted the following today to an article in the local newspaper called "Rust in Peace." We'll see if any get published.

Under the circumstances, let's hope this next one is not somehow prophetic.

Under the circumstances, let's hope this next one is not somehow prophetic.

Seaain Gray
An rud a líonas an tsúil líonann sé an croí. ~ Irish Proverb.
("What fills the eye fills the heart.")
Seaain Gray
An rud a líonas an tsúil líonann sé an croí. ~ Irish Proverb.
("What fills the eye fills the heart.")
All photos are Copyrighted and Registered. Please don't use without permission.
5DSR 16-35 2.8L III 24-70 2.8L II 70-200 2.8L IS II
They must be popular trucks. I live half a world away, and captured this one a little while ago!
Jeff Meyers
Facebook Fan Page
Thanks all very much. The last one is my favorite as well. Had to do something of an art piece and I saw this and thought it might work. Am having issues with my camera so it was a strech actually, but overall it worked out ok. Thanks again...
Sventekoz - Wow. Yes, that's the same truck, down to the detail. If it isn't yours now you know the one in your photo is a Chevy. I did some research and make it to be a 1948 - 1950 1 1/2 ton utility truck. I was told that the one in my picture was a flatbed, just like yours. It was a farm truck. They used it to use it to put the hay up.
Looks like yours is still a runner thought currently sporting a flat tire.
Thanks again.
Seaain Gray
An rud a líonas an tsúil líonann sé an croí. ~ Irish Proverb.
("What fills the eye fills the heart.")
My B&W Photos
Motorcycles in B&W
'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
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This is actually a great idea. I come across a lot of old machinery, etc. in my travels. Especially now that I've started a project involving Farms. Part of that should be "every farm has a junkyard."
Seaain Gray
An rud a líonas an tsúil líonann sé an croí. ~ Irish Proverb.
("What fills the eye fills the heart.")
Thanks. Check out the color to B&W conversion in the following slideshow link. I really like the effect.
Actually, I am with you... my vision tends to always default to B&W. I like to say I always "see" a scene in this manner. The newspaper wanted color for the most part, so I posted mostly what I submitted, but see how you like the conversions...
Seaain Gray
An rud a líonas an tsúil líonann sé an croí. ~ Irish Proverb.
("What fills the eye fills the heart.")
I like the conversions except for the close up of the Chevy badge which looked more dramatic in color. That one seems a little flat and the whites are gone on the upper left, at least on my monitor. The others have a more dramatic feel in B&W than they do in color. In color they are very nice photos, pleasing to the eye, nostalgic, but in B&W I sense the age of the vehicles and the cold of the snow more.
By the way, my wife looked at your photos in this thread and said "Oooo...great inspiration! I love that first one!"
My B&W Photos
Motorcycles in B&W
I agree with you that my conversion on the detail shot is not so good. Frankly, on that one my heart was not in it. For whatever reason, the color interests me more here and the fact that the truck is red and and the berries are red is a cue I like very much in terms of a "story" or perhaps a metaphor of some kind. Not well formed I know but ...
Thanks Doug. Most kind.
Rust never sleeps... I'd love to see what this thread... all the other great shots in it... can perhaps inspire in others. No reason we cannot keep this going or perhaps starts a new thread... Anyone who wants to add photos to this thread is MORE than welcome.
Thanks again Doug!
Seaain Gray
An rud a líonas an tsúil líonann sé an croí. ~ Irish Proverb.
("What fills the eye fills the heart.")
I shoot a lot and have often looked at a photo and thought "That would make a nice black & white image." Conversion, filtering, fiddling, and finally giving up is often the result. Not all good color photos have much to offer when converted to B&W no matter how hard we work at it.
I shot a bunch of images at an antique model airplane contest weekend before last and found that some of the photos of the old time model engines made nice black and whites. One image that looked nice in color just went flat in B&W and no adjustment of contrast, whites, blacks, whatever would bring it back to life. I suppose I could reduce it to only black white with no grays and try and pass it off as "artsie" but since I only shoot for fun there was no reason to kid myself.
My B&W Photos
Motorcycles in B&W
Btw, how do you find Zenfolio?