Some concert shots...

These were taken in the town I went to college in, at a house that often hosts live music... in a living room. This particular show was an acoustic set featuring local musicians, many of which live at the house in question. Most of them are still in college, and several of them actually live at the house in question. Anyway, every time they have music there 60+ people cram into the small quarters and there's no room to move or breath and it gets hot and claustrophobic... and there's great music. So this time I brought my D40 with my 50mm 1.4 (manual focus, not the new af-s one... I wish) and took some photos while standing in the teeming throng. I decided to process them all as B&W shots, and here are the results. Let me know what you think: (just realized there are some ugly compression artifacts in several of these. That's because I they're linked from facebook. I'm on dialup internet so I just resize files and use facebook for hosting because it's so much faster. The originals are clean though, so try to ignore it if you can. 







# 8


#10 The focus was way off in this one (on the back wall) but I loved the expression so I did what I could to salvage it. I tried blurring the backgorund more than the subject but I couldn't make it look realistic. Not great, but I guess it's better than not having a shot of this guy (a friend of mine):

As a side note, if you like folk music check out "This is Deer Country" on myspace. It's the band with the guy playing guitar and the girl singing (the viola player just joins them for live shows sometimes). They're really good and Kate has an amazing voice IMO.








# 8


#10 The focus was way off in this one (on the back wall) but I loved the expression so I did what I could to salvage it. I tried blurring the backgorund more than the subject but I couldn't make it look realistic. Not great, but I guess it's better than not having a shot of this guy (a friend of mine):

As a side note, if you like folk music check out "This is Deer Country" on myspace. It's the band with the guy playing guitar and the girl singing (the viola player just joins them for live shows sometimes). They're really good and Kate has an amazing voice IMO.
The only one I'm not sure about is #7 - I can see what you were going for, but I find the heads distracting rather than context-setting - I could just about live with that, but the clear-as-can-be white frilly curtain in the background is kind of the dealbreaker on that one..... For the record, you minimised the impact of that curtain so well in the other shots that I didn't even realise it was there until I went back and looked again after noticing it in #7!
Great job on these.