Nice set. I like them all...especially the one with the masks. At first glance, I was mistaken, and had to take a second look at #6, and then quickly realized what was goin' on.
One I'm just curious, do you blow out the bg in post, or during the set? If it's on the set, I assume you are using a light meter to take the readings? Any info. would be appreciated.
I think this models height is slowly growing on me. In fact thats what I had a hard time with in the first sets of tall, so thin, and almost disproportionate....Only #7 in this series carries this evidence and that is most likely due to lens~
I am a fan of this set mostly because it looks put together with "fun!"
My Fav: Birthday Girl...due to natural skin tones!!
Happy Birthday BTW!!
Nit: Chain too low on mirror pose: Makes her fanny look aboriginal.
* BG: it's a toughie. This was my second HK shoot, in a quick sequence after the first one with Carolena (Carolena's was on Saturday, Jamey's on Sunday). As I mentioned a few posts earlier I didn't have time to go though the first shoot in much detailes, but I still had time to look at it on the big calibrated screen. The biggest thing that hit me was an exessive spill. So while I didn't want to change setup much, I dialed the rim/bg lights down a bit. Which, unfortunately, resulted into a non-blown bg, at least at the edges of the frame. So I had to deal with that in post. It wasn't too bad, but did lead to some inefficiencies and imperfections. Since it was very much a learning process I'm not awully concerned with it (I think I learned my lesson).
And yes, I do use a lightmeter:-)
* Actually she's not that tall. In fact she's pretty short: 5'3". But she sure is thin and due some some childhood back problems her upper body is 2-3 inches shorter than it should have been, thus making her legs appear longer than you would expect. Plus we used all the usual shooting/posing tricks to elongate them even more, hence the appearance of the runway model:-)
* Golden gel: it was an experiement. I'm glad we did it, at least I know how it looks now:-)
Hey Virginia,
long time no hear!
Thank you very much - on both accounts :-)
Thanks for the info. Nik. I'm jus tryin' to figure out the best way to get a white bg in a studio type setting, without having to resort to software. I'm still learning the white bg stuff...and am gettin' better. I'm usually on location during shoots, but, those few times I'm in a studio I try to figure it out as best as possible.
* Actually she's not that tall. In fact she's pretty short: 5'3". But she sure is thin and due some some childhood back problems her upper body is 2-3 inches shorter than it should have been, thus making her legs appear longer than you would expect.
Then when you see her again, give a special thanks to her from a nurse AND photographer for having the courage to show herself off!! Brilliant on her part too!!
Then when you see her again, give a special thanks to her from a nurse AND photographer for having the courage to show herself off!! Brilliant on her part too!!
One word says it all "WOW"
Happy birthday and what a present.
In this great big world around us, we will find what we are looking for! What we do with it is up to us to decide.
Olympus E-500 Olympus E-520 Zuiko 14-45 Zuiko 40-150 Sigma 50-500 Zuiko 18-180 4-AB800 strobes, 1AB-400 stobe, 4 softboxes, brolly box, umbrellas etc.
I like the ones where she's got a nice "S" curve to her pose, those are the most flattering to her figure.
Although I have to say I love the balloon that says "Happy Birthday Dad" positioned ever so carefully. Ol' Freud would have a field day with that one! :bday
Wonderful lighting and I like the shorter collage best for her expressions, I think!
I like the ones where she's got a nice "S" curve to her pose, those are the most flattering to her figure.
Although I have to say I love the balloon that says "Happy Birthday Dad" positioned ever so carefully. Ol' Freud would have a field day with that one! :bday
Wonderful lighting and I like the shorter collage best for her expressions, I think!
"S" always work wonders, it's a classic:-)
Balloon positioning - oh, believe me, we paid a lot of attention where to put what :-) And thank!
Nik, if you ever want to switch jobs for a day, a month or a year please PM me.
I couldn't replicate this work in a million years (neither the shooting, the lighting or the post-processing) so I should probably keep my mouth shut altogether, but in some of the shots (most notably the "panorama", for lack of a better term), the black tips on the clear heels are distracting and look, at first glance, like they don't belong in the image (big-time sensor dust or whatever). That's a nit, to say the least, and maybe the resolution in print or directly on-monitor tells a different story -- great shots and happy birthday.
Nik, if you ever want to switch jobs for a day, a month or a year please PM me.
I couldn't replicate this work in a million years (neither the shooting, the lighting or the post-processing) so I should probably keep my mouth shut altogether, but in some of the shots (most notably the "panorama", for lack of a better term), the black tips on the clear heels are distracting and look, at first glance, like they don't belong in the image (big-time sensor dust or whatever). That's a nit, to say the least, and maybe the resolution in print or directly on-monitor tells a different story -- great shots and happy birthday.
Will do:-) Are you, by any chance, working for PB? ;-)
I hear you abour clear heels... Yes, they do look better at full res, and yes, they can look confusing at a smaller res. It was my first time using those in HK environment, I promise to pay more attention to such issues in the future :-)
Thank you for the kind feedback!
Will do:-) Are you, by any chance, working for PB? ;-)
Assuming by PB you mean Playboy, the answer, unfortunately, is no, and here's a tip: I'm in the real estate finance business, so you do NOT want to switch jobs with me, not even for a day. :cry
#2 is my favorite. It reminds me of Vargas, ehpraps not the model (she's a bit thin for Vargas) but the energy and the concept- it's very joyous, innocent, and alluring. Really fantastic work!
#2 is my favorite. It reminds me of Vargas, ehpraps not the model (she's a bit thin for Vargas) but the energy and the concept- it's very joyous, innocent, and alluring. Really fantastic work!
One I'm just curious, do you blow out the bg in post, or during the set? If it's on the set, I assume you are using a light meter to take the readings? Any info. would be appreciated.
Oh, and happy belated birthday!
My Name: Manish.
I think this models height is slowly growing on me. In fact thats what I had a hard time with in the first sets of tall, so thin, and almost disproportionate....Only #7 in this series carries this evidence and that is most likely due to lens~
I am a fan of this set mostly because it looks put together with "fun!"
My Fav: Birthday Girl...due to natural skin tones!!
Nit: Chain too low on mirror pose: Makes her fanny look aboriginal.
Thanks for sharing!!
Appreciate the comments and the BD wishes:-)
* #6: yeah, we both loved this :-)
* BG: it's a toughie. This was my second HK shoot, in a quick sequence after the first one with Carolena (Carolena's was on Saturday, Jamey's on Sunday). As I mentioned a few posts earlier I didn't have time to go though the first shoot in much detailes, but I still had time to look at it on the big calibrated screen. The biggest thing that hit me was an exessive spill. So while I didn't want to change setup much, I dialed the rim/bg lights down a bit. Which, unfortunately, resulted into a non-blown bg, at least at the edges of the frame. So I had to deal with that in post. It wasn't too bad, but did lead to some inefficiencies and imperfections. Since it was very much a learning process I'm not awully concerned with it (I think I learned my lesson).
And yes, I do use a lightmeter:-)
* Actually she's not that tall. In fact she's pretty short: 5'3". But she sure is thin and due some some childhood back problems her upper body is 2-3 inches shorter than it should have been, thus making her legs appear longer than you would expect. Plus we used all the usual shooting/posing tricks to elongate them even more, hence the appearance of the runway model:-)
* Golden gel: it was an experiement. I'm glad we did it, at least I know how it looks now:-)
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Belated happy birthday!
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
long time no hear!
Thank you very much - on both accounts :-)
Thanks for the info. Nik. I'm jus tryin' to figure out the best way to get a white bg in a studio type setting, without having to resort to software. I'm still learning the white bg stuff...and am gettin' better. I'm usually on location during shoots, but, those few times I'm in a studio I try to figure it out as best as possible.
Appreciate it.
My Name: Manish.
Then when you see her again, give a special thanks to her from a nurse AND photographer for having the courage to show herself off!! Brilliant on her part too!!
Will do:-)
I am asking, is there a way to reduce the amount of shadow in Image #1? I am more curious than anything cause for me it was a little distracting.
I really like #6 that is a good one
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Happy birthday and what a present.
In this great big world around us, we will find what we are looking for! What we do with it is up to us to decide.
Olympus E-500 Olympus E-520 Zuiko 14-45 Zuiko 40-150 Sigma 50-500 Zuiko 18-180 4-AB800 strobes, 1AB-400 stobe, 4 softboxes, brolly box, umbrellas etc.
Brad, thanks for commenting!
#1: yeah, I guess I just missed it..
Although I have to say I love the balloon that says "Happy Birthday Dad" positioned ever so carefully. Ol' Freud would have a field day with that one! :bday
Wonderful lighting and I like the shorter collage best for her expressions, I think!
50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
Lightstand look was actually a very easy one. Just like your average pole... uhm, nevermind
"S" always work wonders, it's a classic:-)
Balloon positioning - oh, believe me, we paid a lot of attention where to put what :-)
She liked the shorter collage a lot, too:-)
Thank you for your comments!
I couldn't replicate this work in a million years (neither the shooting, the lighting or the post-processing) so I should probably keep my mouth shut altogether, but in some of the shots (most notably the "panorama", for lack of a better term), the black tips on the clear heels are distracting and look, at first glance, like they don't belong in the image (big-time sensor dust or whatever). That's a nit, to say the least, and maybe the resolution in print or directly on-monitor tells a different story -- great shots and happy birthday.
Will do:-) Are you, by any chance, working for PB? ;-)
I hear you abour clear heels... Yes, they do look better at full res, and yes, they can look confusing at a smaller res. It was my first time using those in HK environment, I promise to pay more attention to such issues in the future :-)
Thank you for the kind feedback!