Unique CS3 problem?

All of a sudden, when I go to work in CS3 my program opens, pictures open, can use any filters/actions/layers etc, but when I go to select any tools...I can't. I've tried clicking and the "hot" keys as well, so for example I try to select the crop tool...the dialogue box up top opens, and I can choose my crop, but when I go to my image, the crop tool doesn't show, all that I can see is the hand, it's like I have selected the pan tool, but I haven't, and the crop dialogue box is still open up top....:dunno
Anyone with any suggestions?:rolleyes
Anyone with any suggestions?:rolleyes
HarlanBear reported something that sounds similar just recently, and I have seen this complaint before. I don't think I have ever seen a convincing explanation, but the usual suggestion is that you delete your preferences and recreate them. Other suggestions include re-installing the software.