re-applying watermark

If I've made changes to a watermark's fade setting, do I have to re-apply them to the photos that I've already watermarked? If I so, do I have to first remove the existing watermark before applying it again for the new fade setting to take effect? Thanks.
Johnny J. Chin ~ J. Chin Photography
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regenerated with the new watermark. Select all and add the new one, no
need to remove the old one first. It can take quite a while depending how
many are in the que.
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Gotcha on the watermark help page at says "We do not watermark photos whose longest side is equal to or less than 800 pixels because a display copy and the original are the same image.".
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
THANKS! That explains it. The test gallery only had 800px wide images.
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