Help a newbie pick a RAW editing platform - thx!
My girlfriend shoots Olympus; I shoot Nikon... the trial period with our respective proprietary software has expired and it would make sense in these economic times to purchase a platform that we can both use. I was getting used to NX2 and am prepared to spend about the $150 that it would cost, but I'm open to anything up to $200. Photoshop CS4 is simply too expensive for our actual editing needs... NX2 did pretty much everything I wanted to do with RAW files, with possibly a few exceptions. What software should I consider; Elements, Lightroom? Which ones do you have reservations about?
Any and all help is appreciated! Thanks in advance!
Any and all help is appreciated! Thanks in advance!
If you have a Mac, consider Aperture 2, if not consider Lightroom:D
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I feel your pain
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One of the really nice features of LR 2 is that almost every significant digital camera from P&S to medium format digital backs are all supported, so you only have one software package to deal with, and one spot on your Hard Drives where all of your original images reside complete with a separate backup.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Comments and constructive criticism always welcome.
Why Nikon charges money for their raw converter has always puzzled me. Canon ships DPP for free. :shrug
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Lightroom 2
ViewNX is free and has the RAW converter built in.
"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money". -- Margaret Thatcher