#18 low key possibilities

Here is a couple from a shoot today. Exicuted some of the things suggested in my last post. I like the results of both of these. What do you think?
1. Isolation....

1. Isolation....


pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
By the way, are you guys ready for the volcano up there ... I'd be planning a photo trip soon
It is never to late to become what you might have been.
Now I have to ask...do you think that on the first one that the left side might be a tad too dark with her arm totally missing till it gets to the hand? I had a reflector to pick up some light for her eye one that side...but because her shirt was maroon in color, it did not pick up any of that light. I might revisit that one in post editing to see if I can somehow get a hint of substance there.
I like the second one too...the sepia is different...but might be a bit strong. But it doesn't show the emotion of the first one as she was trying so hard not to giggle!
Thank you all for looking and commenting! I really do appreciate your time and imput.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
peace, gail
If you wanted to enhance the moodiness, you might try fixing her hair so that is looks straggly and applying a little makeup to her face to make it look pale and gaunt but not so much that she appears more dead than alive -- just a touch.
The title is half the image, and you nailed it. Great comp and lighting.
I loved the first one so much, it reminded me of one of the games I used to play a while back. If you could produce something like this, I'd say you have a great chance of winning!
Disclaimer: This is not my photograph.
Nikon Shooter
It's all about the moment...
I really wasn't going for freaky, scary stuff. Just the feeling of lonliness and isolation of a small child. Sad.
I will be rethinking this.
I do think you've captured exactly that - that is, in fact, what makes it so creepily powerful to me. In fact, I'm so happy to know that you grabbed them between fits of the giggles because as the parent of a young child, that kind of body language and look was quite gut-wrenching to see! I"m not surprised it made you choke up - it would any parent. You clearly have a strong little actress on your hands, because she nails it!!
I think these are very powerful and capture not only low key light, but the broody, moody atmosphere which is often associated with the technique. I think they're emotionally strong
For #2 to work, well atleast for me, I would make the shot duo tone, not tri tone. And I would clone out the toes. They are very distracting. But in regards to winning. #1 would be her strongest entry. To date, in my opinion.
Nikon Shooter
It's all about the moment...
I agree about the toes being distracted. But I didn't do much to the image. It was just a demo of sepia toning in low key. Unfortunately I can not get the same results to the top one with sepia toning post processing. It just doesn't look the same as what the camera captures.
Of course, people see different things in photos and once we unleash our vision on the world, others may not experience it the way we intended. Overall, I think it is probably a plus for the strength of the photo that viewers see it differently.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
I love the crop you did as well... It is VERY moving.
Nice job Joyce!
Photo Gallery | Blog | I'm Unemployed!
1. Isolation....
I like how you displayed the shadow in your first portrait. It gives a clear definition of the statement of the title of your picture.
Not sure I liked the second tho. Gotta think abt. it.