IR experiment 1

OK, I dare this one only as an experiment.
Here's how it goes : I took an ordinary picture and another with a Hoya R72 IR filter on. I converted the IR into B&W, and the regular colour one into Lab mode. I then replaced the Lightness channel of the former by pasting in the B&W IR version. Very strange...
I'll keep playing around with the idea of mixing IR and colour versions of the same subject. If you have any novelties of your own, perhaps you could share them ?
Here's how it goes : I took an ordinary picture and another with a Hoya R72 IR filter on. I converted the IR into B&W, and the regular colour one into Lab mode. I then replaced the Lightness channel of the former by pasting in the B&W IR version. Very strange...
I'll keep playing around with the idea of mixing IR and colour versions of the same subject. If you have any novelties of your own, perhaps you could share them ?

-- Christian (B->