is SmugMug down for maintenance?
I am trying to do some formatting and the smugmug site is being a bit testy. When I log in and click enter, the screen simply repopulates a empty logon banner again. I tried to go to my domain name, and there is a icon over my slideshow requesting a password? Am I banished from smugmonia, or is this a regular maintenance issues that I have not had the pleasure of consuming yet?
Kenni:scratch Loggin
Kenni:scratch Loggin
Broken for me too - My slideshow on the front page is blank and asking for a password...
I just noticed that Andy's site has the same problem, but Bigwebguy's site is fine!
Cheers - N (
Is SmugMug down for some emergency maintenance?
I checked and noticed nothing about today.
I am unable to update or change any text on my site. Was trying to fix a few typos.
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Ditto... Presumably alarms have gone off and they are onto fixing it already... But it certainly doesn't look like a planned outage.
Cheers - N (
I guess that means I have to go to bed for once before 3am. Oh well, time for sleepy. | Twitter | Facebook | Flickr
The sorcerers are working hard on fixing this problem. I'm sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
Is there a problem with SM today?
I can login and I can get to my control panel, but I can't get into Site-wide Customisation.
It keeps asking me to login again.. and again...
I can access everything else as you would when logged in, except for my Site-wide Customisation.
Paul - Popular Pics
We are having problems with the site and are working hard to fix it. It should be back to normal very shortly. I'm sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for your patience.
Best Regards,
things should be back to normal now.
things should be back to normal now.
Yep - all ok for me now - thanks
Paul - Popular Pics
I've tried again, even with a different gallery, but still nada. This time I got a "Message: upload problem: DB insert" error message in the upload log, though.
"Where beauty moves and wit delights and signs of kindness bind me; there, oh there, whe'er I go I leave my heart behind me." (Thomas Ford, 1607)
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Weird - everything online is fine for me, and I can view photos fine on SmugMug. However, I can't upload anything to my gallery. File uploads, and SmugMug displays the dialog saying upload completed, but when I go to my gallery, it's not there. Tried several times, same result. Definitely still seems to be a problem with Smugmug.
My SmugMug gallery:
My 52-week project: 52 Weeks of Photography
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
The file is definitely a jpg, and is about 150kb large.
My SmugMug gallery:
My 52-week project: 52 Weeks of Photography
I've tried several times. I only saw the database error one time; now it's back to telling me "ok" but there's nothing in the upload log or in my galleries.
I suspect something just went wonky with a database on one of the servers.
Edited to add:
Another try and when I check the log, another database error message:
DSC_0315-CROPPED.jpgn/aError2009-01-31 08:03:12n/aMessage: upload problem: DB insert
DSC_0315-CROPPED.jpgn/aError2009-01-31 07:55:02n/aMessage: upload problem: DB insert
I tried uploading photos several times between these two messages but no photos made it to the gallery and no error message.
"Where beauty moves and wit delights and signs of kindness bind me; there, oh there, whe'er I go I leave my heart behind me." (Thomas Ford, 1607)
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Seeing the same:
Message: upload problem: DB insert
My SmugMug gallery:
My 52-week project: 52 Weeks of Photography
One just worked. Tried doing another but it took longer than normal to get the "ok" but this time...nada again. Not even an error in the upload log.
"Where beauty moves and wit delights and signs of kindness bind me; there, oh there, whe'er I go I leave my heart behind me." (Thomas Ford, 1607)
Getting the same thing here
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I also had one gallery that I added 20 photo to but only two are showing
Any ideas?
Keith - Champion Photo
Kris Kros on flickr