Weird problems
I am having all kinds of little issues that are adding up to one big pain in the neck. I added 5 galleries yesterday, I priced one with ezprints. I then tried to use the pricing carry over from one gallery to another. The gallery shows up in the drop down but will not highlite. Also I saved a gallery setting with all the specs including sell prints "on". When I go to use the aforementioned saved settings the printing is turned off. Also I cant log off my website. What should I do. I wanted to post 5 galleries something that should have taken 10 minutes. Now its more like 2 hours.:scratch
Hey wayned,
Actually, the best way to take care of this problem is to e-mail the help desk at SmugMug. They are very prompt and are very good about taking care of problems like this.
Oh, and by the way... your link isn't working in yourt signature.
Hope this helps,