Really Right Stuff PCL-1 and Omni Pivot Pano Package

Hi all- I wanted some feedback from those of you that use RRS PCL-1 panning clamp and omni pivot package for panos. I just got the packages and have been trying them out. I mounted the PCL-1 panning clamp, fixed the MPR 192 nodal slide on it and leveled the clamp. I notice that with my D700 camera on the slide (with the RRS L plate), the spirit level does not remain centered when I start the panning process. I tried to do it many times over and even though the bubble is centered when I first set it up, when I start rotating the setup using the panning base of the PCL-1, the bubble does not remain centered when moved. My understanding is that the bubble should remain in the center all through the rotation. Is that correct? Can those of you who this setup, please check and let me know if this is true with your rig too (please physically check the level while panning). Lastly, would this slight shift in the level, substantially affect the pano (would the stitched pano be wavy and not straight)?
― Edward Weston
Thanks for clarifying that. I was a little concerned (and miffed as it costs so much).
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