Are line feeds supported?
I am using:
I am trying to set the caption of a picture to be:
Front row: Bob, Bill, Brian
Back row: Jill, Jan, Julie
I am trying to maintain the linefeeds. I can do this on the website without any problems. However, if I try to use the API with a URL Encode GET
The new caption on the picture is:
I am trying to set the caption of a picture to be:
Front row: Bob, Bill, Brian
Back row: Jill, Jan, Julie
I am trying to maintain the linefeeds. I can do this on the website without any problems. However, if I try to use the API with a URL Encode GET
The new caption on the picture is:
Front row: Bob, Bill, Brian%D«ack row: Jill, Jan, Julie
I know that I missing something simple here. Do I need to encode it a different way? 0
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
so can't use %D for CR it must be %0D and likewise %A for LF must be %0A.
Thanks for the help.