Custom Pro Pricing-How To
I have the routine down for pricing different products at different prices or not making them available for the pictures in a gallery. I like the way that works.
How do I set the prices for all products so nothing is available for sale for one or more pictures in a gallery? (ie, view only) I tried today with no luck.
How do I set the prices for all products so nothing is available for sale for one or more pictures in a gallery? (ie, view only) I tried today with no luck.
In custom pro pricing menu
jump to pricing>gallery
quick pricing:Custom: $0
products: all products
click apply
Then I set prices for the procucts I want to sell.
Not sure if that is what you were asking:D
The important thing I have to remember is to check the prices (and everything else) while logged out.
SmugMug Support Hero
Here's my fool-proof way to set pro pricing:
I set the prices for my whole portfolio to my standard price that I've calculated for the profit I want. That way, any new gallery you create or image you upload won't, even for a split second, allow anyone to purchase anything at smugmug's base price, ever.
Then, from there I edit each individual print according to the dimensions I want it to be sold as. Meaning, I set the price for every item to $0.00 and then I delete the boxes for which I want the portfolio price to apply. Of course if it's a wedding gallery and I want all print sizes within a certain size to be available I can edit a whole gallery at a time, but usually prints in my nature photogrpahy galleries are not all the same aspect ratio...
My SmugMug Portfolio • My Astro-Landscape Photo Blog • Dgrin Weddings Forum
There just has to be an easier way.
SmugMug Support Hero