
ctrl z in lightroom

joshhuntnmjoshhuntnm Registered Users Posts: 1,924 Major grins
edited February 3, 2009 in Finishing School
everyknow and then when I hit ctrl z in lightoom to undo, it doesn't undo the last thing I did, it undoes like the last hundred things I did. Needless to say, this is VERY frustrating. Any ideas?


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    pathfinderpathfinder Super Moderators Posts: 14,699 moderator
    edited February 2, 2009
    Interesting, Josh. I have not experienced this.

    You can of course go back as far as you want in the editing steps ( even to the beginning ) in LR since they are just metadata changes, and alter them at any time. But I have not had CTRL-Z do that to me.
    Frequently, my experience is it just drops the highlight back to a prior level step, without erasing the steps above that level. Of course, any new edits wipes out what ever was above the highlighted step in the history steps.
    Pathfinder - www.pathfinder.smugmug.com

    Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
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    angevin1angevin1 Registered Users Posts: 3,403 Major grins
    edited February 3, 2009
    Any chance you're actually hitting CTRL A first, then when nothing occurs CTRL Z and A being all, And Z being undo?? Or simultaneously with the finger of choice? thumb.gif
    tom wise
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