For Wash. D.C. area dgrinners re. New Washington Post photo feature

For those who live in the greater Washington, D.C. area, the Sunday Post magazine (May 22) announced a new regular feature. Photographers may submit digital images for possible publication in the weekely magazine. In addition, they will publish a link to your photo blog or to Flickr.
Do you have a link to any online info about this?
If you do a search within the Post for "flickr", you'll get the article, however
you'll need to do the free registration thingy to read it. Or else scrounge up a copy of the Sunday magazine section.
yay for Phil!
and yay for me, hopefully - i'm supposedly going to have a photo published in next Sunday's Post magazine.
and double yay for the exposure (har har) for smugmug!!!
For both James and Phil!
Abd btw - how do you submit you picture? I was looking all over the place and coul not find a photo submission page..
What I found was contact information for freelance submissions to the magazine.
Maybe it will be helpful...
You know, I can't find the page now myself. Their search doens't seem to be all that great. Also, when I first saw it I remember they had a slidshow of the past selections - can't seem to find that now either. Wierd.
Anyway the submission was to send an e-mail to with an 8x10 @ 300dpi size JPEG along with a few lines about the picture.
However, When I talked to the editor he mentioned that they want to keep it local so he asked where I live.
I guess I won't qualify then:-)
Not only that... I have next Sunday's magazine to look forward to as well.
Glad you like it. It's actually in print as well? I thought it was just online. That's pretty cool...
(found it using Google rather than the Post's built-in search...)
ah, good catch - I shoulda thought of that.
I've seen your photo in the online version of today's Post. I like it!
I love the way you've captured that sense of a kid feeling he's too old for something. (Granddaughter Sasha has told me she's too old for her former favorite store: Whirligigs and Whimsies. I haven't told her, but she receives gifts purchased there. Likes 'em, too.)
Call me difficult and demanding, but I have a question. The Washington Post puts a leetle teeny tiny version of the photo online. When I click on "enlarge photo," it says "page not found." Then I click on the link to your galleries, and I wonder which gallery the photo is in. (It was pretty easy to tell, actually.) Neverthelesss... have you guys thought of making the gallery in which your blogcity photos reside a feature gallery for a time? Especially for people like me who are impatient to get to that one photo? (Same thing happened last week.) Or... is it just that a person gets cranky when they're wide awake at 3:50 a.m....