
February 11, 2009 COBA meeting to be held at Smugmug!

jcdilljcdill Registered Users Posts: 225 Major grins
edited February 3, 2009 in The Big Picture
The first meeting of 2009 for the Camera Owners of the Bay Area (COBA)
user group will be held on Wednesday, February 11, 2008, at SmugMug
headquarters in Mountain View from 7:30 pm to 10:00 pm.

== New Location ==

After several years meeting at Stanford's SLAC and Cordura Hall, COBA
is moving to where it all started, Mountain View! This month, we'll be
meeting at the SmugMug offices near downtown Mountain View.

67 E. Evelyn Ave, Suite 200
Mountain View, CA 94041

== Agenda ==

19:00-19:30: Sign-in and mingling period
19:30-20:30: Emerging Trends in Digital Photography
20:45-21:30: Camera Bags

== Emerging Trends in Digital Photography ==

Lloyd Chambers (diglloyd.com) will discuss emerging trends in digital
photography, followed by practical tips for attaining maximum image
quality via appropriate choices in cameras, lenses, tripods, and post-
processing, along with tips and tricks and "gotchas", especially with
today's high resolution digital cameras. Lloyd will bring his suite
of Zeiss ZF lenses, and if time allows, discuss the reasons you might
choose alternative lenses to the standard Nikon and Canon offerings.

Lloyd Chambers’s diglloyd.com offers a wealth of material on advanced
photographic techniques, and his Zeiss ZF Lenses is a reference work
on those fine lenses. Lloyd is a lifetime photographer, having used
a variety of formats including 35mm, 4X5, 6X7 and 617 film, as well as
numerous digital cameras.

His web site, diglloyd.com, is targeted at photographers seeking
objective and high-quality information which can be trusted to make
buying decisions, to learn or enhance skills, or to find best-
practices for a smooth photographic workflow. He also is author of
the MacPerformanceGuide.com, a site dedicated to choosing a Mac and
enhancing productivity.


== Camera Bags ==

If there's one constant in a photographer's life, it's that one can
never have enough camera bags. Two and a half years have passed since
our last showcase of COBA members' bags. Be prepared to bring your
collection of camera bags to the meeting. Bags come in all different
shapes and sizes; some are best used for transportation while others
are great to work out of but hard on the shoulders or back. Is there a
perfect camera bag out there that can do everything for everybody?
We'll find out!

== Location ==

67 E. Evelyn Ave, Suite 200
Mountain View, CA 94041

== More Information ==

For more information about COBA, please visit: http://coba.tow.com
JC Dill - Equine Photographer, San Francisco & San Jose http://portfolio.jcdill.com
"Chance favors the prepared mind." ~ Ansel Adams
"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it." ~ Terry Pratchett
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