cheap backdrop setup recommendation?

Can someone recommend a cheap (very cheap) backdrop setup?
I was asked to help a Girl Scout troop shoot some "mommy and me" portraits. I think I need a backdrop setup. What can you recommend? What size?
Since this is a non-paying gig (more like volunteer), I want to spend the least amount of money on making a backdrop setup. I will be selling prints from my smugmug page, so I can make a few dollars there. There would be about 100 kids with their moms.
Thank in advance for the advise.
I was asked to help a Girl Scout troop shoot some "mommy and me" portraits. I think I need a backdrop setup. What can you recommend? What size?
Since this is a non-paying gig (more like volunteer), I want to spend the least amount of money on making a backdrop setup. I will be selling prints from my smugmug page, so I can make a few dollars there. There would be about 100 kids with their moms.
Thank in advance for the advise.
Johnny J. Chin ~ J. Chin Photography
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Here's one of many links available online: You could even create a background using a graphic or logo.
Canon 50D, 30D and Digital Rebel (plus some old friends - FTB and AE1)
Long-time amateur.....wishing for more time to play
Autocross and Track junkie
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Plenty big enough for a two or three person set. You can tack it to a wall, or find a temp hanging spot.
And as cheap as it gets, find a nice wall, possibly/probably outdoors, maybe textured, that compliments the uniform and go for it. That is, if they are going to be in uniform.
And don't be concerned if it doesn't look like a pro backdrop...remember that you are volunteering your time. Give them some super shots!
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
I'm all about low cost...
Go to your local discount store (I'm partial to Burlington Coat Factory and Ross for this, but ymmv locally) and get either a shower curtain or a cheap velvet curtain (or a microsuede one - they make an almost "oil painting" looking backdrop). Shower curtain is shorter, but much wider, so it depends on your specific needs. You can pick these up for well under $25, likely cheaper (and if you go the Goodwill route, cheaper still). You can then stick a shower pole (or curtain pole, or broom handle) through the casing and it's easy to attach that to various different things to hold it - I'm using an old garment rack propped against the wall to which I velcro my curtain/broom handle), but any hooks or suitable height something would work.
I"ve also used a sheet and a tablecloth - as long as you keep your subjects away from it and aren't stopping way down, it should blur out enough that it won't matter as long as it's neutral, clean, and ironed.
I use 200 thread count king sized bed sheets. $12 at Wally-World. And then I made a DIY backdrop holder out of PVC pipes. $25 at Menard's. Heres a tutorial on how to make it: Studio Lighting - Home Made Cheap DIY Backdrop Stand
It works OK for what I'm doing right now, and like Diva said just watch your F-stop and try to blur out the background so they cant really notice its a sheet.
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