Ch 39: is any of this "worthy"?

Living in socal 'burbs does not leave too many chances for a nice clouds or a rain, all we have is a clear blue sky and a very harsh light..
So I thought maybe this could be good for SoCal Weather report with the forecast being" clear, sunny, 90+".
Tell me what do you think - any of these pics have any chance to compete?
"Noon in the park" (Challenge topic: "Hot for the rest of the week"):

"Pool season" (Challenge topic: "Outdoor pools water temperature: 80 and raising"):

Both taken with Sony 828, processed in PS CS2.
Thank you for looking!
So I thought maybe this could be good for SoCal Weather report with the forecast being" clear, sunny, 90+".
Tell me what do you think - any of these pics have any chance to compete?
"Noon in the park" (Challenge topic: "Hot for the rest of the week"):

"Pool season" (Challenge topic: "Outdoor pools water temperature: 80 and raising"):

Both taken with Sony 828, processed in PS CS2.
Thank you for looking!
"May the f/stop be with you!"
The pool shot looks very centered and posed.
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Appreciate the feedback!
I learned one thing from my recent attempts - lots of NDs (I used f/8 @ x8 + x4 + CP for a tree shot) actually affect wb significantly. I didn't shoot in raw, so it "cost" me some work in PS to get it back. Next time I'll be sure to use custom wb with my foam cup first...
Are you trying to rub that in? I can send you some of our clouds and rain and bad weather. We have more than enough to share.
Nice shots. I like the first one for the challenge.
Speak with sweet words, for you never know when you may have to eat them....
But when I was trying to figure out what to shoot for the challenge I realized that a great climate has its cons: tough to find dramatic scenes to shoot..
Thanks for the feedback!