BTW - any thoughts on the new vs old bigma from you?
To tell you the truth, I haven't seen enough images from the "new" DG Bigma to form an opinion. Most of what I have seen have been shots taken at mid-zoom focal lengths. No help. The old Bigma rocks at these focal lengths as it is. I need to see if there's been any improvement at the long end. On the "old" Bigma, there is a noticeable difference in sharpness, between shots at 400mm versus full zoom (473mms?). If the DG narrows that difference, it may be worth the extra $. Otherwise, it seems like it may just be some sort of marketing BS/hype designed to part us from more of our hard-earned dollars They could have called it the Bigma-L and sold it for $
Soccer and a b-day party! You had a great day for shooting. Very nice shots, Glad you won , sorry it rained:D
Speak with sweet words, for you never know when you may have to eat them....
Nice ones Troy
BTW - any thoughts on the new vs old bigma from you?
To tell you the truth, I haven't seen enough images from the "new" DG Bigma to form an opinion. Most of what I have seen have been shots taken at mid-zoom focal lengths. No help. The old Bigma rocks at these focal lengths as it is. I need to see if there's been any improvement at the long end. On the "old" Bigma, there is a noticeable difference in sharpness, between shots at 400mm versus full zoom (473mms?). If the DG narrows that difference, it may be worth the extra $. Otherwise, it seems like it may just be some sort of marketing BS/hype designed to part us from more of our hard-earned dollars