Bad Java?? Making grown men cry

I don't know if I have bad codes, or codes that are making each other bog down my page, but when my page is open, even if I just have it open on the homepage, it bogs down my entire system and ends up freezing, is there any way to fix it, to run more smoothly? Is it because I have a slideshow? If someone could take a look at my page that would be wonderful, thank you in advance.
Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is serious. :wink
The good news is this seem to be a problem for you only. I went to your site and it totally loaded (slideshow started playing) in less than 3 seconds. It also went from page to page quickly too. This was from my home DSL which isn't all that fast.
Please try ridding Firefox of it's old temporary files, by clearing them. This should help your pager loading. If it doesn't there may be some connection issues at play. So contact the Help Desk and we will have you run a few tests to see if we can pinpoint the problem.
be removed or it sucks 100% of CPU.
splash: 'none',
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Good defensive coding techniques should guard against doing bad things to your system if given bad input parameters from the user.
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It is not even something that is on their support task list. You / Allen can spot it so quickly (and I have observed it in some earlier threads too) because you are concerned and know where to look; while someone from smugmug is still not looking in that corner
smugmug ID: ashishpandey (but I prefer my domain URL above
I'm sorry this upsets you so much, and I'm sorry you are disappointed
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You have things in the bug thread, they've been acknowledged and Dustin our bug-man is on top of them. Beyond that, i'm not sure what you want us to do, expectations-wise. We're a small, bootstrapped company, and for 6 years running now, we've grown by listening to our customers and by being responsive to bugs as well. We won't let you down either.
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Anyways, crossing my fingers, thanks again!
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Besides protecting your own users and their viewers from this issue, there is significant potential PR damage from this bug. All that has to happen is that someone influential writes "I went to a Smugmug-hosted photo site and it took over my PC, taking 100% of my CPU so I could barely do anything else on my computer. For now, I would avoid Smugmug or photo sites hosted by them as this is a pretty serious problem with their site." I'm just surprised nobody at Smugmug seems to mind leaving this timebomb sitting out there in a bunch of user's accounts for this long. I don't know if you don't understand the damage potential or just don't think it's that important or just kind of forgot about it for awhile while trying to get all the other things done. Months ago, I would have put this in the category of bugs that we should fix in our next push (no longer than a week or two). You chose differently.
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as you say, I may not be aware about some conversations - so apologies if I am drawing wrong conclusions in a very short period here. with time I will get it
smugmug ID: ashishpandey (but I prefer my domain URL above
Our wiki says 'Remove this line if you don't want a splash' where do people get Splash: 'none', from?
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Besides, the problem occurs in other ways too besides putting "none" there. I helped someone fix their site yesterday that had put their name in that field. Nobody told them they could or couldn't do that, they just decided that's what they wanted to do.
The point is that any code that takes inputs from users should expect it is occasionally going to get bad input and shouldn't take your system down when that happens. And, because there are lots of users putting in slideshows that know absolutely nothing about javscript, bad inputs happen even more frequently here than other places.
I think there are also lots of users adding slideshows from a tutorial and they've never seen the wiki. Info about customization is in a lot of places so it's pretty easy to see one piece of information and not know that the others even exist. And, anyone here on dgrin knows that there are lots of users who either don't read the instructions or don't follow them very well. Software should certainly not assume that users are going to follow directions perfectly.
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Your patience is appreciated. We may not always hop to you it on your command, but we listen to every single word, John and we get to everything in time.
Pretty darn good for a bootstrapped company.
We really appreciate your vigilance :jfriend
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P1 of the slideshow leads them to it. The tutorial leads them to it.
Man, this 'll all be easier when we have a box on the homepage for a slideshow, won't it?
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"Directions? Hmmmph! Those are just one man's opinion on how you do it."
This is usually said to his wife as smoke is pouring out of the thing he's trying to fix/assemble and she's giving him a look.
Yep - no doubt.
I hope an automatic way to do the separate galleries page comes at the same time because that's another one that some people don't seem to be able to follow the directions on. It's darn simple if you just follow the directions, but you do have to know your way around the different pieces of customization and...
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