Clogged Epson Jets
Is there an easy way to unclog Epson printer jets?
A friend has left me with a printer and a bunch of piezography stuff that I want to fiddle with, but there seems to be some clogged jet issues with this thing.
Who knows the straight story on this?
A friend has left me with a printer and a bunch of piezography stuff that I want to fiddle with, but there seems to be some clogged jet issues with this thing.
Who knows the straight story on this?
Epsons work best if you use them at least once a week. I've got a older Epson 740 thats printed 1000s of pages, still going strong.. Awhile back it got clogged from neglect, and I used that as an excuse to get a Photo 825, then managed to get the 740 cleared again and running on all jets...
I'll have to pull the piezography ink from it and try that with a standard ink cartrige.