Anyone Here Use Hitachi Harddrives

Does any one here use Hitachi Hard drives?? My only use of them came from when I worked for NCR-E&M-Wichita and they weighed around 25lbs each and a 64mb drive had like 8 platters in it.....but the number 1&2 reliablity tests spots were bouncig between Hitachi and this time all my drives are seagate.......but I found a sale on 1tb Hitachi's for under $90 and was thinking of getting three.....I am also looking at Vantec hardrive docks - - right now I am looking real hard at their dual dock so I can back up my internal drives to 2 others and hold down the cost a bit by not buying external (freeagent) or internal drives and enclosures......with the docks I can just pop one or two internal drives in do my file saving and go lock up the back ups .....
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Seagate? Have several working great, used to buy Seagate 100%, but right now, watch out...recent Seagate drives are committing mass suicide on a global scale. People are steering clear of Seagate until their problem is sorted out because it is very widespread. There is a firmware update, but results have been uneven. Monitor the ongoing user reports on the Web before purchasing.
Also note that Seagate recently cut their warranty from five years to three on some drives, effective this month.
Thanks colourbox and Richard,
Guess I'll give Hitachi a try.....I need 3 new drives for photo filing anyway and at $90 from tigerdirect it is not so bad for 1tb drives......that should last me around 6 months or so for catalogging this years photos.........