DSS 18 -- Uhoh -- stick with current entry or....

Had a chance to take some photos today and was able to come up with some low key ideas. Should I stick with the current entry, or try one of the other shots below? :help
Here's my current entry:

Low key shots:


Here's my current entry:

Low key shots:



Of these three, I really like the first. I love the way you caught the reflection of the window in the porcelain.
Thanks for looking, Tony, Paul, Tim, and Gail. I guess I had way too much fun with my camera yesterday.
I volunteer as a docent at Valley Forge National Historic Park and these are shots of some of the displays in the house I was in. The first two hours were really slow so I used the time to try to shoot some photos.
I think you made the right choice to stick with the landscape. Your current entry is not only very strong, it is different from what most people have done for the challenge.
Best of luck to you!
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus