Heres my sea eagle
A pair sit & eat their mullet in front of my place every day ...juuust as soon as the shadow of a building moves over it.
I had to murder the shot in processing to show it up.
I now take my hat off & bow to BIF shooters though...ive always thought "whats the big deal here.." you simply aim at the bird & shoot but i just worked out just how hard it is to do. Just keeping it in the lens is hard enough for me.
I had to murder the shot in processing to show it up.
I now take my hat off & bow to BIF shooters though...ive always thought "whats the big deal here.." you simply aim at the bird & shoot but i just worked out just how hard it is to do. Just keeping it in the lens is hard enough for me.

Bad shot i know but its my 1st of them together.
I'll bet plenty go by and don't even notice your birds :cry
BIFs hard NO ....:D what gave you that idea :lol4
My Galleries
That's apretty good BIF shot and you handled a difficult exposure (that white head) very well. Welcome to the wonderful world of BIFs. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
It may be just me, but I think the water behind the eagles is in sharper focus than the birds. Possible??? What percentage fo a 20D sensor area is this image? Many of my birds are less than 1/3 or 1/4 of a sensor area sometimes.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Nice bif there!
I've been waiting for these Glad you were finally able to get some, no matter what kind of lighting you were forced to shoot them in
I agree with PF on the second shot. It looks like the more contrasty water sucked your focus point away from your subjects
When shooting against a contrasy background, sometimes I find that focusing on something equidistant to my subjects (like the piling they are sitting on) or laying the focus point under the subject (at least the center point seems to extend upward quite a bit from what you see it as in the VF) helps ensure that I get a focus on what I want. In this case I'd lay it on the body of one of those birds or the piling. You'll still miss some, but I find that it cuts down on mis-focuses substantially
Thanks for sharing mate,
I did that (focus on something the same distance) as they sit next to a giant sign...but still missed it.