The Faces of The Children

Yad Vashem - Childrens Memorial
"This unique memorial, hollowed out from an underground cavern, is a tribute to the approximately 1.5 million Jewish children who perished during the Holocaust. Memorial candles, a customary Jewish tradition to remember the dead, are reflected infinitely in a dark and somber space, creating the impression of millions of stars shining in the firmament. The names of murdered children, their ages and countries of origin can be heard in the background"
The Faces of The Children
"This unique memorial, hollowed out from an underground cavern, is a tribute to the approximately 1.5 million Jewish children who perished during the Holocaust. Memorial candles, a customary Jewish tradition to remember the dead, are reflected infinitely in a dark and somber space, creating the impression of millions of stars shining in the firmament. The names of murdered children, their ages and countries of origin can be heard in the background"
The Faces of The Children

And, speaking of moving, your avatar shutter is.........moving. How did you do that?
Sorry for asking that with such a somber subject, but my mind handles both at the same time. The holocaust was not only a terrible happening, it is a symbol of all the terrible things done in this world. I think. Never to be forgotten.
Ginger, sent you a pm.
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
Very moving Nir