Ordering prints for myself - surprised at default pricing
I was pleased to see Smug Mug add Bay photo to their printing options. I've used them in the past, and have been pleased with the quality. I went through and changed my portfolio pricing to Bay Photos, but didn't pay that much attention to the default pricing, just to the final price and mark-up.
This evening, I went to put together an order for myself, to update my printed portfolio, and was surprised at how much more expensive the Smug Mug default prices are, versus ordering prints direct from Bay Photo. My impression (perhaps wrongly?) was that Smug Mug profits from pro users came from the yearly subscription and a % of the mark up on prints.
Am I missing something? I'd love to be wrong about this, because it's certainly convenient to order from my Smug Mug galleries, rather than uploading them again.
This evening, I went to put together an order for myself, to update my printed portfolio, and was surprised at how much more expensive the Smug Mug default prices are, versus ordering prints direct from Bay Photo. My impression (perhaps wrongly?) was that Smug Mug profits from pro users came from the yearly subscription and a % of the mark up on prints.
Am I missing something? I'd love to be wrong about this, because it's certainly convenient to order from my Smug Mug galleries, rather than uploading them again.
Just examples for glossy prints with color correction:
Bay photo: 4x6 - $0.49 5x7 - $1.99 8x10 - $3.50
Smugmug: 4x6 - $0.38 5x7 - $1.75 8x10 - $3.23
and so on.
Here is the link I used for Bayphoto prices:
I hope I looked right place.:):