
Black & white vs Colour

tipsinartoktipsinartok Registered Users Posts: 61 Big grins
edited February 11, 2009 in Finishing School
Are there any "rules" or guidelines as far as choosing whether to display a particular picture in black and white vs colour? Or is it mostly personal preference? I find I tend to lean towards colour, but a friend of mine seems to prefer black & white. I know that if the colour is a main focus of the picture (bright blue eyes, a rainbow, etc.) it's better to keep it in colour, and if the colour is distracting it's nice to go black and white, but is there any other criteria to go by? I find it hard sometimes to judge, especially when I've been working on a particular picture for a while and I start having trouble deciding what I like or not like about it at all.
Please don't be afraid to critique my photos, I'm here to learn and get better.
Canon XS with kit lens, 50mm f/1.8, 55-250mm f/5-5.6, 420EX external flash


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    BrendanBrendan Registered Users Posts: 223 Major grins
    edited February 11, 2009
    Like most art, it's personal preference. Find out what you like, and go with it. :D

    Personally, I've been trying to focus more on black and white lately, following a general rule to only use color when the color really adds to the photograph. But of course this is just for me.

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