Full Screen Slideshow doesn't work on firefox
Hello everybody! ... Since a few days the slideshow function in the galleries doesn't work any longer in my firefox browser. In the FF browser of two more friends - the slidshow can't start.
With IE - no problem!
Is there anybody who knows the problem or have an idea???
Thank you for your help and answers.
Stefan J. Wolf
To test it please look at my website www.fototourist.net
This message was shown on the screen:
RangeError: Error #2006: Der angegebene Index liegt außerhalb des zulässigen Bereichs.
at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/getChildAt()
at mx.core::Container/getChildAt()
at com.smugmug.controls::AlbumScroller/set selectedIndex()
at slideshow/resetShow()
at slideshow/fullScreenListener()
With IE - no problem!
Is there anybody who knows the problem or have an idea???
Thank you for your help and answers.
Stefan J. Wolf
To test it please look at my website www.fototourist.net
This message was shown on the screen:
RangeError: Error #2006: Der angegebene Index liegt außerhalb des zulässigen Bereichs.
at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/getChildAt()
at mx.core::Container/getChildAt()
at com.smugmug.controls::AlbumScroller/set selectedIndex()
at slideshow/resetShow()
at slideshow/fullScreenListener()
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Just a guess, but maybe you are running ad-block plus in firefox. with AB, the slideshow is a PITA. Mostly it doesn't work for me, and when it starts up, it doesn't serve images. So in the end I have given up on this, because there is no way for me to tell every visitor of my site that AB doesn't play well with the slideshow. They must be just clicking on it, cursing me for a while and leaving it there
smugmug ID: ashishpandey (but I prefer my domain URL above
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Not allowed to enter Henry's alone anymore...
Kyle Derkachenko Photography
Well the only problem is that if I have to admire my own pictures, I can do it much better on my own computer without even using smugmug. It is usually an issue when some visitor is on my site and they cannot see it properly. Of course they haven't been here, don't know that it's a known issue and perhaps don't know or care about the workaround. Not pretty, but that's how it is
smugmug ID: ashishpandey (but I prefer my domain URL above
Hmmm. Your full screen slideshow doesn't work for me either in either Firefox3 or IE7. I have no ad blocking, flash blocking code running at all and other full screen slideshows work fine for me. Can you run the full screen slideshow here: http://jfriend.smugmug.com/gallery/5608869_vwzCG?
When I try to run your full screen slideshow, the screen goes black and nothing ever happens. I can see from running a proxy that the flash code never does any networking. Something is messed up (probably on Smugmug's end).
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Update. When I cleared my cache in both Firefox 3 and IE7, your slideshow started working for me. I don't know why that would be (perhaps some version inconsistency in the cache), but you might try that.
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I've already thought of that but unfortunately, I don't know how fix the problem short of putting a note on my website instructing people to disable their adblocking, which could throw up red flags to them.
Hopefully the sorcerers at SmugMug can come up with something more elegant than that.
Not allowed to enter Henry's alone anymore...
Kyle Derkachenko Photography
As long as Smugmug uses Flash for slideshows, it will never work with add-ons that block flash. That is what AdBlock Plus is doing, blocking all flash from your pages. They are using a very blunt instrument to block ads and in doing it that way are assuming that there are no legitimate non-ad uses for flash which is very wrong. Hopefully they will improve their technology to be more discriminant or users will realize that there are good, useful uses for flash and will stop deploying their product because it ruins the good uses of flash.
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I hadn't really put much thought into that, but you are very right. Well said.
Not allowed to enter Henry's alone anymore...
Kyle Derkachenko Photography
smugmug ID: ashishpandey (but I prefer my domain URL above
I would be great for our viewers if ABP would whitelist a few Smugmug domains for the flash slideshow. I think it always pulls from api.smugmug.com so it might even work with custom domains. Anyone at Smugmug interested in trying to make this happen?
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Despite various comments to the contrary, Adblock does not block most flash content. In fact, smugmug and its affliates are the only sites with which I have problems. I suspect the issue is that it tries to take over the entire screen for these slideshows. In this specific scenario, I believe Adblock's actions (if they are indeed preventing this) are quite appropriate given the situation.
If a slideshow was deployed within the browser window, I suspect there would be no problems. There are plenty of sites which have no problem with this within my Firefox/Adblock setup. Even, if I dare say so, flickr.
Don't get me wrong. I signed up for a Flickr pro account and then cancelled quickly thereafter once I took a look at smugmug. Keep up the good work. My subscription is likely to follow very quickly....
EDIT: Just to followup. I disabled Adblock and the full-screen slideshows still do not work. If this is a new problem (as mentioned in the first message of this thread), it may be something related to the latest Firefox release or some change in how smugmug generates these slideshows. Tried with latest Flash in both Vista and Linux (in Firefox). Thx
Wish I had seen this thread earlier!
I pulled my hair out yesterday trying to figure out why my gallery slideshows weren't working on my new custom domain name in FF 3.0.6, only on my Smugmug account name. Well, it was Adblock Plus add-on!
I recently switched to a custom domain name recently and forgot that I had to disable ABP months ago for gallery slideshows on my Smugmug nickname account to work. Disabling ABP on FF for my custom domain fixed the problem again.
I see that ABP is addressed on the wiki.smugmug.net flash slideshow page related to Bio slideshow. Perhaps it should be addressed in a more general location too, like the Viewing: Our obsession page. Surely this is a common problem.
Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
Blog: Journey to the Light
"Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)