What to charge?

The question that keeps coming back.
Look, my business is shooting stock, but now I have a tourism board that saw my images and wants me to shoot for them for several days.
The goal is to get 20 specific shots in several locations, over 7 days or however long it takes". My expenses would be covered (transportation, accomodation, models, styling, etc.). The images would be part of the board's own "image library" - exclusive multiple uses.
Now they are asking me for a quote but assignment work is new to me so I really have no idea. I know it the costs will vary a LOT from one photographer to another, but I am just looking for ballpark values.
So: has anybody ever traveled around a national park for about a week to shoot and how much did you charge?
Look, my business is shooting stock, but now I have a tourism board that saw my images and wants me to shoot for them for several days.
The goal is to get 20 specific shots in several locations, over 7 days or however long it takes". My expenses would be covered (transportation, accomodation, models, styling, etc.). The images would be part of the board's own "image library" - exclusive multiple uses.
Now they are asking me for a quote but assignment work is new to me so I really have no idea. I know it the costs will vary a LOT from one photographer to another, but I am just looking for ballpark values.
So: has anybody ever traveled around a national park for about a week to shoot and how much did you charge?
Congratulations on being asked to do this work. The question you ask is very, very specific and might not garner any responses.
But for general pricing inquiries, this forum is loaded with threads on the subject. Let me suggest you use our search feature to find and review them for ideas.
Also, check out the "Photogs Resources" sticky thread for more info on business practices and pricing.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
20 images with expenses paid?
Exclusive rights?
If it could be done in a week, and I had time to enjoy myself during the hours after the shoot on their dime, and I believed that it might get me some future work, I would quote it out at $3500.
That is dirt cheap at $175 per image.
Thanks for the info guys - very helpful. They are actually looking at buying out the images and, yes, there is incentive to do another shoot for them in the summer. I appreciate your input.
Steve - does that include the editing process and usage?
Paul Zizka Photography: zizka.smugmug.com
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Yep. I would think 20 images would be easy to edit.
You have to think this going to be a 24/7 for your amount of time. To get the best shots, you will need to be composing in your head at all times. It also means odd hours like getting up before dawn and staying out past the sunset to get those special light shots. At least quote $2000 or above.
By "buying out the images" do you mean you will be selling them your copyright, which means you will no longer be able to use any of the photos anywhere else, ever?
If this is so , then your final price has to be high enough to reflect that.
Thanks a lot for all your input. They are indeed interested in buying the rights. I have sent them a quote based on a five-year use and told them I would rather retain the rights.
Paul Zizka Photography: zizka.smugmug.com
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