not sure if i doing this right,
:dunno i really dont get this how site. if i am not i am sorry. i am not sure if i even post my questions right...... I just need help. thank you
Heidi Lagao
Hi Heidi - Welcome!!!! What do you need help with? I am an old timer here, and can answer almost anything? We are all really friendly, so ask specifics - tell us how to help!!
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thank you for your help and i like the pic.
do you by chance know how to
i would like to take at the search botton for now. i dont have it set up so people can use it at this time. how would i delete it?
Hi Heidi
I saw one of your other threads, and replied.
Are you asking how to remove the search button from your SmugMug site? That is also a customization topic.
Do you have a thread started in that forum?
My Galleries My Photography BLOG
Ramblings About Me
Next thing: Please click on your name to find your threads, thanks.
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Hi Heidi - please, what are you confused by? I've just popped in to your SmugMug site, looked at all of the buttons you've made, read your bio. You must have some knowledge of what you did to get that far! I am sorry I can't be of more help, but I just don't know what you are asking here. Please try to be specific.
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