More questions about bags
I am starting to look for a good quality suitcase style camera bag. I have a:
Canon 1D Mark 2
Back up 20D
24-70 L 2.8
70-200 IS L 2.8
300 IS L 2.8
and soon possibly a Canon 500 and/or a 1D Mark 3n/4
Rolly bag that I can take on airplane? No way I can carry the big silver cases for a 300 and a 500 plus my big Crumpler backpack as carry on...too many things.
Canon 1D Mark 2
Back up 20D
24-70 L 2.8
70-200 IS L 2.8
300 IS L 2.8
and soon possibly a Canon 500 and/or a 1D Mark 3n/4
Rolly bag that I can take on airplane? No way I can carry the big silver cases for a 300 and a 500 plus my big Crumpler backpack as carry on...too many things.
One size that I think is still fairly well accepted is the "21 inch" standard rolling suitcase. Denis Reggie claims to use a standard Briggs & Reilly 21-inch Upright Carry-On wheeled bag with a custom Lightware 2012 Pearl Nest insert for his basic kit.
The luggage can be ordered through several sources but the insert has to be ordered direct from the factory through DR:
Lightware itself has a standard case that might work for you, the Lightware MF 2012 and then add the Lightware MM2012 MultiMate Cart. It's not cheap but it's built to handle a lot of use.
I own a Lightware MF 1420 but I think it's now too big to use as a carry-on for most airlines. Built like a tank however.
Be sure to lay out all of your goodies and make sure everything you need to fit will fit the dimensions before ordering anything. It's amazing how much space things like flashes and hoods will take in a case.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums