My trip to Southeast Asia - 2008/2009 - Part 3 (LARGE post)
Here is the the third part of my S.E. Asia trip. The first parts can be found here:
Part 1
Part 2
Photos from the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum in Phnom Penh. Unfortunately this museum has turned in a sort of Genocidal Disneyland in the past few years. It's can be quite a moving place, unfortunately other visitors ruin the experience. The interesting thing is that the people that are the most disrespectful are the young Khmers, who come here on school trips. The numerous signs here urging people not to laugh (they still do) and signs at the killing fields warning people not to walk through the mass graves (they still do) do not work. Of course there is now a gift shop located right as you walk out of the last building, just like Disneyland....
I will make a whole page about this sometime soon, comparing the place as it is now to how it was 5 years ago when I first visited.

Memorial stupa at the Choung Ek Killing Fields

Psar O Russei (Russian market), Phnom Penh

Old colonial building, Phnom Penh

Various photos from Angkor Wat, this was the third time in the last 6 years I visited the temples. Eventually I'll make a whole page with a lot mroe photos and descriptions

Laos was a huge dissapointment for me. Last time I visited prices were reasonable and people were very friendly. Unfortunately now it sucks, the huge rise in tourism over the last few years had a very negative impact on the locals, a lot of them now view tourist as walking wallets. We cut the time here short and flew to Sarawak instead
Luang Prabang

Various "food" for sale at a local market


Rice and bananas donated to the monks being dried in the sun at a local monastery

Various photos


Malaysia Borneo (Sarawak State)
Local house, Kuching

Small park, Kuching

Local KFC, all of the workers here (except the manager) are deaf/mute and communicate using sign language. You order by pointing at a special menu and using hand gestures (unless you know the international sign language). This is a great idea, too bad the KFC restaurant in America don't do the same...

Chinese temple, Kuching

Fort Margarita, Kuching.

Kuching Mosque

Chinese temple, Miri

Niah Caves National Park

Local Dayak village longhouse

Dayak man in a local village, unfortunately he barely spoke English and I didn't have anyone to translate. He is most likely a worker that collects birds nests, a guess I'm basing on his tattoo of cave swifts

I hope you enjoyed these photos as well, part 4 coming soon!
Part 1
Part 2
Photos from the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum in Phnom Penh. Unfortunately this museum has turned in a sort of Genocidal Disneyland in the past few years. It's can be quite a moving place, unfortunately other visitors ruin the experience. The interesting thing is that the people that are the most disrespectful are the young Khmers, who come here on school trips. The numerous signs here urging people not to laugh (they still do) and signs at the killing fields warning people not to walk through the mass graves (they still do) do not work. Of course there is now a gift shop located right as you walk out of the last building, just like Disneyland....
I will make a whole page about this sometime soon, comparing the place as it is now to how it was 5 years ago when I first visited.

Memorial stupa at the Choung Ek Killing Fields

Psar O Russei (Russian market), Phnom Penh

Old colonial building, Phnom Penh

Various photos from Angkor Wat, this was the third time in the last 6 years I visited the temples. Eventually I'll make a whole page with a lot mroe photos and descriptions

Laos was a huge dissapointment for me. Last time I visited prices were reasonable and people were very friendly. Unfortunately now it sucks, the huge rise in tourism over the last few years had a very negative impact on the locals, a lot of them now view tourist as walking wallets. We cut the time here short and flew to Sarawak instead
Luang Prabang

Various "food" for sale at a local market


Rice and bananas donated to the monks being dried in the sun at a local monastery

Various photos


Malaysia Borneo (Sarawak State)
Local house, Kuching

Small park, Kuching

Local KFC, all of the workers here (except the manager) are deaf/mute and communicate using sign language. You order by pointing at a special menu and using hand gestures (unless you know the international sign language). This is a great idea, too bad the KFC restaurant in America don't do the same...

Chinese temple, Kuching

Fort Margarita, Kuching.

Kuching Mosque

Chinese temple, Miri

Niah Caves National Park

Local Dayak village longhouse

Dayak man in a local village, unfortunately he barely spoke English and I didn't have anyone to translate. He is most likely a worker that collects birds nests, a guess I'm basing on his tattoo of cave swifts

I hope you enjoyed these photos as well, part 4 coming soon!
Just back from Europe, Eastern Turkey, Iraq and Iran, new photos coming soon!
Over 100 Countries, thousands of pictures, one Website (being redesigned at the moment)
Just back from Europe, Eastern Turkey, Iraq and Iran, new photos coming soon!
Over 100 Countries, thousands of pictures, one Website (being redesigned at the moment)
Really enjoyed the while series ! interesting subject and diversity in them, lovely colors
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